Thursday, August 29, 2013

'Making a Positive Difference'

"Can I brighten your day?"
It is all about Love.  Love is a VERB.  A VERB means ACTION!  It is all about making a positive difference in people's lives.  It is full of wisdom, principles, just simple little actions and our time.  
Wow, there is where the rub might be, 'our time'.  How long does it take to make a positive difference?  Not as long as we might think. 

I had promised to the readers of my blog a poem regarding 'Our Caring'.  I want to share a bit in this post before I share the poem: 'Persons that Made a Positive Difference'.   So, please bear with me to lay some background leading up to my poem.  I feel this is important because the 'love' must flow from both directions.  This can be an uneasy feeling for a time but so very worthwhile and is the key to making a positive difference in the lives of many people that we touch. 

Have you ever had a particular place to go or somebody you thought you just had to visit and/or see and you dreaded it so much?  You was doing it out of a feeling of duty or responsibility.  However, once you actually did it you could feel and see just how much it made a positive difference in that person's day and in turn, your day.  That is what it is all about.  WE go into ACTION.  We give our love that comes from our heart rather then an effort.

When things are done out of 'love' there is no 'putting off' and/or 'dreading' a part of it.  There might be places we feel we should visit because of the circumstances such as visiting an ill person with a terminal disease, a person going through divorce,  a person that has just heard the news of a loved one that has passed away that prevents us from feeling a pleasant desire to visit them but there is still an inner feeling of a desire in our heart to reach out to help that individual.  The actions taken out of no desire and a lack of love are ones that serves no good purpose.  Those type of actions never gives the person a desire to go and feel happy that they had been there, either.  This can only lead to an emptiness.  Persons are acting out of a feeling of 'i have to', what's the use', 'who cares' , 'what can I say or do to make a difference' and therefore; they only go through the motions and/or don't even take part in the actions that regard 'love' to fulfill any good.  The end result, they feel drained.  Loving action will give one a lift within their Spirit and to the person that they have just visited.  It is just the way 'Love' works.  An easy guide to follow and can help us stay focused as to what we are to be about in making a positive difference in others' lives and in ours.

I wonder if some places in our society there have been more nonverbal action of 'love' that has somehow made persons become less caring, less compassion, and feel less of a desire to reach out and make a positive difference in people's lives.  Perhaps, this would be a good place for us to reflect in our own lives and living. 
''May I help in some way?'
I have experienced, the more I can exercise 'Love' in Action, the more it rekindles the warmth in friendships, family and once strangers, become closer during these times. And, it gives me a warmer feeling of worth within my own being.

A number of things we might reflect on as we reach out in 'love' are:
  • Identify what people 'need' to feel good about themselves
  • Develop a sincere interest in others
  • Forgive hurtful actions
  • Get along with difficult people
  • Accept people for who they are
  • Be yourself
  • Never give up
  • 'It is the little things that mean the most'
    It doesn't matter that we aren't the same skin color and agree with everything another person believes.  It is important that we all become the type of person that people enjoy being around.

    This is unconditional love that equals: 'love in Action' making a positive difference in peoples lives.

    Always remember our Shepherd will never let us down.  
  • Pray without ceasing
    'The Lord is our Shepherd'

    Until next time
    God Bless

Sunday, August 25, 2013

'A Time to Reflect, Be Gentle With Others'

Greetings Friends,
Today is a day to reflect and look around at the cosmic world near and far.
What do we see?  We see joy, hurt, hardship, confusion, insecurity and brotherly love.  A mix bag, if you will. 
What are our thoughts as we start a new day.  Maybe, it is Time to Reflect, Be Gentle with Others.
'Showing Concern'
'Lending a Hand'
There are a lot of  'new beginnings' at this time of year.  School is starting for many children, college is beginning for many students.  Teachers are starting back to teach and many other new beginnings are taking place.  There are many couples that are expecting a new baby at this time and the list can go on and on.

There are persons that have received some sad news of a health concern that is just beginning, persons are hearing that their employment is in jeopardy.  There are persons that are retiring and starting to adjust to retirement and there are newly weds starting a new life with their loved one. 

In the midst of so many different situations happening with the many shoulders that we might brush against each day, do we ever truly realize what might be going on within the hearts of each individual.  Of course, we do not. 

This might be the very reason that persons act toward others in the way that they do sometimes.  Their emotions are frail and raw and any little misdirected word will set them off. 

We never know what the other person is carrying within their heart and we can easily take things for granted.  It might be good to discern what might be going on in another person heart before we speak, approach, comment or acknowledge them. 

It is in the simple things of life that just might be some of the most important things that we might do to help another.

I have listened to two different persons in different states this past week that sensed another was in great pain for two totally different reasons.  The persons that were sensing these hurts stated exactly the same thing to the person that was hurting. 

As they listened to the person, they paused and shared with the individual that they did not know what  they were going through but they cared.  They would be there for them in any way that they could.  The persons receiving this, 'I don't know what you are going through' statement, from these totally two different persons in two totally different situations and circumstances were very grateful to hear these words.  Now, if they had no idea as to what they were going through why do you think they were grateful to hear it from them.  Perhaps, because they knew that they 'CARED'. 

No, we have no idea as to what other persons are going through but we can 'CARE'.  Sometimes, we think we hold and/or know all of the answers to shower on such persons.  When we do think this and say that, we will loose them.  They do not want clichés.  They know that we don't know the answers.  They want somebody that will be honest and be a 'human soul' that they can relate to.  They want to know somebody cares enough to admit that they do not know what to do but they will walk with them through this valley on their journey.  That's all they want.  To Be Gentle and Care.  

So, we all will be a better and bigger person within our hearts if/when we take 'Time to Reflect, Be Gentle With Others'.  None of us are exempt from this time in our lives.

I will share a poem that will reflect 'Caring' in my next post.
Until next time
God Bless

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

'Oh, The Beauty of the Tiny Hummingbirds'

'So tiny to be so beautiful'.....'those tiny little hummingbirds miracles'

Hi Friends,

Another beautiful little creature of nature is the tiny hummingbird.  As we have enjoyed watching the little tiny hummingbirds out of our window this summer, the time has come for this enjoyment to end soon.  As the temperature drops and the season changes, the tiny, sprinkled colors of beauty will fly south to seek warmer weather and food.  They cannot survive in the cold temperatures.

I have been reading a little about how they prepare to leave.  Some will leave because hummingbirds do have an instinct to fly south where there is warmer weather.  However, I understand some might not go unless they cannot find any food here.  This is why everyone is encouraged to take their feeders down as the colder temperatures arrive.   If they can find food, they will stay.   This will at least give them one more reason to follow their instinct.

The sugar water isn't the only source of nutrients that hummingbirds feed on.  They will eat spiders, insects, ash, sand, pollen and sap from bark.  They need these sources for their protein in the diet.  They use water only to bath in.  They need many insects each day.  

'Ruby Throated Hummingbirds' are the only hummingbirds that breed east of the Mississippi River.  Hummingbirds cannot walk or hop.  I find this interesting.  They weight only grams.  The smallest hummingbirds will weigh 2 grams.  The largest hummingbirds will weigh 20 grams.  'The Ruby Throated and the Rufous  Hummingbirds' are the most common species in the United States and Canada.  This is unbelievable.  Can you imagine how they care for themselves in the wind? 

A hummingbird's wing oscillates in a figure pattern to produce lift on both the down-strokes and up-stokes.  They achieve the extra lift they need to hover by creating a vortex on the leading edge of their wings.  Hummingbirds continually readjust their wing angles to maintain high lift forces. 

I find this remarkable.  Again, 'a miracle in full circle in all of its' beauty'.  The tinniest of all birds have 'graced us' with great 'nature watching in full bloom' this summer.   As they will be leaving, we will wait for their return next year in early May.  They will arrive, once again, to live with us for awhile to give us their beautiful side of friendship. 
God has a way of sharing so many wonderful gifts with us in so many ways.  And, He will send other 'beauties of nature' while the 'miracle hummingbirds' travel on their journey south for the winter.  All in His perfect designed plan...our great creator.  

I hope you have found this interesting and amazing.  I know that I have.

Until next time
God bless

Saturday, August 17, 2013

'Butterflies and Rainbows'

Greetings Friends,

I have decided to write about 'Butterflies and Rainbows' as we move forward in my writings.  I think of the 'wonder' of Butterflies and Rainbows'.  They have fascinated me for many years.  I have found a great interest in them.  I feel connected in a spiritual way as I am close to them.

Butterflies and Rainbows? 
Most everybody enjoy viewing both of these.  When I was a little girl, I remember after a rain, our Mother would tell her children to go outside and look for a Rainbow.  The ones that we would find would be beautiful.  The sight of a Rainbow would make us feel good inside for some unknown reason.  We would always feel good after we saw one.  Now why do you think this would be?  What infiltrates from a Rainbow to 'little children's hearts' that would allow them to feel radiant?  There is a bit of 'wonder' in both of these God given gifts, the Butterfly and the Rainbow'.

The experience of seeing the colors of the rainbow, when the sun is shinning and it has been raining, is one we all can share.  The experience often has a magical quality to it as though it is stirring some deep inner response.  Such is the 'wonder of the light' that forms the colors of the rainbow.

Perhaps, the same 'wonder' that places a smile on faces when they see a brightly, colored wings, fluttering butterfly; taking flight in the air to pause upon a flower.  Have you ever been taken with 'an awe' when you see a beautiful butterfly in its many, perfectly positioned colors? I have!  I think that they are beautiful.  This is natures' beauty in full bloom.

There are persons that think of them as 'signs' in a spiritual way.  Many people report receiving a sign which affirms to them that they are a relatively common type of after-death communication.  I only share this as I have heard and not experienced but to them there is significance to it.  This, somehow, continues to assure them that dying is merely a transition to another state of being or level of consciousness.

Whether it is a Butterfly and/or a Rainbow that stirs your inner being into a radiant moment or a life changing experience, both of them have been given to us on this journey that we travel to lighten our travels in some ways.  It may be in a brief way and then again, it may effect us for a life time. They mean different things to different people. 

There are blessings in considering 'Butterflies and Rainbows' from a spiritual viewpoint.  Maybe, we should look at transmitting light as one of them.  The heavenly principle is where our inner beauties are quite literally opened out before our eyes, as it shines through our lives and living.  A by-product, if you will, is intended to enlightenment, give joy and happiness.  We are intended to transmit this light and in doing so to unfold its meaning for others and for ourselves, too.
'Beauty in full bloom'
'Wonder of Colors'
What is it that you see, sense and 'wonder'? 
Until next time
God Bless

Friday, August 16, 2013

"When we Refuse our Destiny, We Refuse Ourselves, 'Ourselves'."

'The Rose of Love'
This is the design of our destiny.  When we refuse our destiny, we refuse ourselves, 'ourselves'.
'Would we ever refuse a 'Rose'!  A 'Rose' is given to celebrate a 'birth'.  A 'Rose' is given to celebrate a 'death'.  A 'Rose' is given to celebrate any special occasion.  Once we have looked upon the 'Rose' in 'wonder', 'awe', and in a 'new awakening', we will never look upon it as we had ever before.  A change will have been born 'anew' within our very soul.

Once a mother has seen her newborn child, her eyes will forever be fixed in love for her child.  The same with 'a particular Rose'.  Have you ever heard this statement: 'only a mother could love that face'?  Sure we have.  Well, this is the same in the 'heart pattern' of the soul.  If one drop of loves' vision could rinse out of our eyes, it would not matter where we looked, we would weep in 'wonder'.  We will always 'love'.  This beautiful awakening will flower beyond anything that comes our way even beyond death. 

If you find this difficult to believe or wrap your head around, let's look at a few experiences in your life.  Look back just a short time ago in your life.  Perhaps, you lost a loved one, you or a family member become ill, an automobile accident occurred or perhaps, you lost your job.  At such a particular time in our life that 'life happens' to us, we feel we cannot go on and life is over for us and our family. 

After we have risen past the storms of living for a time, we somehow see that life is better in a whole different dimension than WE could have ever imagined.  Perhaps, as we 'still ourselves', 'focus' on 'the Rose' and 'our Rose Garden', we see differently.  Are we hurt? Do we long for some of our losses?  Yes, indeed.  However, we cling to hope, love, survival, the beauty and destiny of 'the Rose and the Rose Garden.  Always and ever, we journey on with a vision like we would have never experienced and/or owned before the storm came to visit us.  And, hopefully, our Rose Garden will grow. We become the Rose Garden of Light.

This is an opportunity to ground ourselves in the wonders and rich soil of the soul.  And, one day, as we fix our eyes upon the Rose and as the rain falls; the rain drops will gently sprinkle over the Rose and it's surface will remain smooth and peaceful. 

This will be as we humbly accept our destiny.  Freedom will flow in the name of Love. We will hear only the voice within.  Remember, the first thing that was shared in the beginning of these posts of 'The Rose'?  We are beyond words. 

'The Rose and The Rose Garden'
Until next time
God Bless

Thursday, August 15, 2013

'Do we realize that a 'Rose' always falls 'outward'?

Do you realize that a Rose always falls 'outward'?
If you have ever studied Roses, you will find volumes of 'wonder'. 
Most of us look at a Rose and see that it is beautiful.  We enjoy the scent.  The Rose is sometimes the first flower that a person thinks of to give as a gift.  A Rose is received with great thankfulness from the giver.  Roses speak volumes.  What does a Rose say to 'You'?  Is a Rose just a Rose?

A Rose has a strong stem.  A Rose has thorns to bring forth it's beauty.  A Rose is fragile.  A Rose has a short 'bloom' life.  Wow, who would want such a gift that does not last long; almost Everyone!  It gives 100% of love and beauty to others as long as it has to give.  

As we have studied the relationship of the Rose/The Beloved, the Rose Garden/His children, let us review a bit.  The entire world could be choked with thorns, so to speak; A lover's heart will stay a Rose Garden.  Now, why is that?  'Love' changes everything forever.  Simply put but so true. 
Then why do we, humans, make it so complicated?  I will leave that with you.  A question to ponder and wonder.  All of us would be happier if/when we realize that the Rose/Beloved will always be a vibrant and beautiful sight.  Always and ever with us and always and ever loving us. 

The Rose speaks volumes of 'LOVE'.  As we view a Rose, it speaks volumes but it cannot speak.  However, every time we see a Rose, we feel warm inside and a sense of Love, do we not?  The Rose Garden can be a vibrant and beautiful sight, as well.  At every turn, as the beauty of the soul rises up in wonder and remains fresh in the Rose Garden's soul, there will always and ever remain that feeling of Love flowing and touching others.  It is a given.  It is there always, freely given.

Are we feeling the touch
of the fragrance along our way?
It can gently flow in beauty of light
always and ever, every day.

The Rose is the Beloved.
The Rose Garden is 'His own'.
This is a gift freely given.
One, more precious than ever known.

The essence of our being is 'Love'.
It will gently glide us along.
Positive emotions and one's beliefs
can change our lives with more song.

More and more, we will see the beauty
and feel the calm as we love thee still.
In thy waking, in thy sleeping,
every hour with comfort fill. 

                                          Doris Swertfeger

'The Beloved'

Until next time
God Bless

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What else do we see in the "Rose and the Rose Garden'?

Life and living .....

Could we say, Life and Living of the Soul?  What makes up the life and living of the Soul?  Does this bring us to the World's Eye of living? This might cause one to Wonder, doesn't it?  The Wonderment of Life and Living is all around us.  
When we take the time to stop and listen; we can hear and see so much more. Sometimes, in the 'world's eye', it is so cancer-ed over and darkened, it can see nothing, nothing at all, of the tenderness of the 'Radiant Face'?   Radiant Face, now what could this be?  Sometimes we need fire and water for the rose to rise up and ripen in it's beauty.  
How else could the rosebuds of life whisper their secrets to the garden?  

This is such a refreshing 'knowing' of our Lord's wonder to and for us, isn't it?  Oh, He is there whenever we 'listen' for Him and discern His beauty in all realms of our Life and Living. 

'Rose Garden of Life'
Are we gathering the 'Paradoxes' and 'similarities' throughout the 'Rose and the Rose Garden' with our Lord and His children?  The Rose Garden will flow when the heart is right.  Do we hear the rose as we look into it's heart?  It might say, 'make me sweet again, fragrant, fresh and thankful'.  This is when we can turn our hearts and go forward.  This is where we will find streams of living water for our soul and in turn spread His love, for the good of our life and living.  'We Become'.  It doesn't happen all at once.  It takes time to grow and weave our growth of wonder and awe within the Rose Garden.  Then we will see the beauty of the Rose as we have never seen it before.  Harmony will flow, my friend, like never before. 

Now, I grow silent even in the midst of a thousand songs in my heart. The Beloved is all that lives.  All that we see are Roses.  

Life and Living of the Soul.....
How can either be in vain?
The person we're meant to become
will unfold and all mankind will gain.

Missions through 'thorns; to the 'beauty of the Rose',
I feel God knew we might never have found.
As we walk this path of the unknown 'we become' and learn.
The 'Rose Garden's' opportunity for us to see the 'Rose', abound.

To know in ones' heart
'All is well', 'in thou soul', and in the night.
to vision....'the infinite',
there can be no lovelier sight!
                                               Doris Swertfeger
'Beauty of the Rose in a Distance'
Until next time
God Bless

Saturday, August 10, 2013

'Is A Rose Just A Rose?'

Greeting Friends,

Today, I want to continue with the similarities of our 'Rose Garden' of life.   As we reflect on the beauty of 'the beholder' and the 'Beloved', it might be good to sort out the 'inner lining'.  What I mean by 'inner lining' is the part that makes life worthwhile; the 'Spirit of Wonder' that allows so much beauty and appreciation to come into our view.  Can any of you relate?  It is not difficult to go there.  It takes 'all of our time' and 'none of our time', a paradox, indeed.

Come, the rose garden has flowered...
It is the time of generosity, the treasure of gifts has come.

Let us see the 'rose garden' of love...

 Garden of 'Roses', what kind of garden are you?
   Is a Rose just a Rose?
   God is the great Creator
   or is this just something we have been told?
    'Loving words' does not cost us a red cent
      as we journey up the hill of life.
       All human kin become stronger
          and braver for the strife.

                       A heart full of thankfulness,
                          a patient trust with one another.
                             A soul of simple hopefulness
                               join us 'one in spirit', like no other.

 It does not take very much to touch one.
   Sometimes it's just...'being You'

'I will never leave you'
      that warms the heart of another
        and brings forth new hope in them and you, too.

 From what invisible rose garden
   was flung this rose...
     a gift immeasurably sprinkled                                       
       to each of us without being told.

   May we take the time to speak words of kindness.
      Maybe it will linger in ones' mind.
        Like unspoken dreams will never grow old,
         'Loving words' will gather others of its' kind. 
                                                by Doris Swertfeger

Our trustworthiness implies His trustworthiness. Beth Moore

Until next time
God Bless

Sunday, August 4, 2013

'A Call to Love'

Hi Friends,

'the rose garden is beyond words'

"A Call to Love' could be an interesting entry into many aspects of our life and living.  Today, shall we look at 'A Call to Love' as an entry in the 'Rose Garden' that reflects our perception with steadfastness.

The Rose suggest both a 'spiritual state' and a 'visionary joy', while the Rose Garden 'embraces all of the glories of the world'. How many of us feel delight in our hearts when we view a rose.  A rose garden reflects wonder and beauty when the garden has been managed with care.  The rose garden embraces all the glories of the world.  Can this truly be real?  Yes, it can in the eye of the beholder that truly believes.

'Wonder & Beauty'
The image of the Beloved dwells in our hearts and the whole of life flows. Where the Beloved exists in union with even one, in the middle of it all, you will find the flowering rose garden.

We are the ones that somehow do the changing.  God's plan and design is the same from the beginning of time.  When we stop and reflect on a rose's life, we can vision the beauty from the vine.  We do not always think of the stem and the thorn because the beauty of the bloom has made it all worth while. 

'Spiritual State-A Visionary Joy'
Let us ponder and discern as we linger here in our rose garden. May we allow our eyes to remain fixed on the beauty of the rose's prime/superior,  Beloved.

Until next time
God Bless

'Letting Go' (Part 2)

'Letting Go'  (Part 2) 
Series on 'Heaven, Death, Dying and Letting Go'.

Greetings Friends,
The time has come to conclude this Series.  I touched on 'Letting Go' in part one.
'Letting Go' effects all different steps in our lives.  Our teachers to each step are better shared by persons that have experienced them through the help of our Lord.  

I feel as we digest each subject in this Series with an open mind, our journey can be one of less anxiety and more awareness when we share it with others.  We are never alone, if we so choose.  Remember my referring to, 'A Call of Love' in my last post?  I have found, more and more, as we walk the journey of life that experiences can be shared with great expectations, hope, help, promise and a tool to extend, 'A Call to Love'. 

'Letting Go' is an extension to 'A Call to Love' in many ways. 

'Letting Go' = 'A Call to Love'
                              'Letting Go' is an extension to 'A Call to Love'

                                        Time has a way of moving forward
                                     with good memories of those, we meet.
                         What does it all mean?  Where do we go from here?
          'Letting Go' brings thoughts of wonder and concerns, we must meet.

                                          God has a plan from long ago.
                A plan for 'every single person', He so wants to call His own.
                                            'Choice of 'Will' is offered,
         accepting His Call and mission, grooming us for our final home.

                      Somehow 'Letting Go' gets in our way on our journey.
                        When we are young, we do not realize this as much.
                                        We are in a hurry to grow up,
            start a career, get married, raise our children, 'hold on' and such.

                                        Once those years are behind us,
                                  we start to reflect on the years ahead.
                                         We begin to realize the losses
                we have experienced in family, friends and in other ways.

                'Letting Go' and 'Time' has a way of catching us off guard.
                                 The years seem to pass at a faster pace.
           Hopefully, humility grows in our hearts and we see more clearly,
                        Plus, the Alpha and Omega reflects more Grace.

   Perhaps, we see more clearly, 'Letting Go' means differently to different people.
                        It all hinges on where it is we are with our Lord.
                            Life's memories and experiences are teachers,
                 when our 'Letting Go' is in trusting our Lord, in 'His Call'.
                                                                                        by Doris Swertfeger
Until next time
God Bless

Friday, August 2, 2013

'Letting Go' (2 Parts)

Greetings Friends,

The time has come to close out this series on Heaven, Death, Dying and Letting Go.
My hope is that it has been helpful in some way to at least one person that has chosen to read any or part of it. 
There will be two (2) parts to this final 'Letting Go', post.

We all find it difficult to 'let go' of persons and things.  It might begin as we have a child and as they try to walk, we try to hold on to them.  Later in life, we have the 'empty nest syndrome' when our children leave home.  And, it is even more difficult to watch them marry and create a life of their own.  They have a sense of independence that we sometimes do not like.  They do/should 'cleave' to their sufficient other.  This is what all healthy parents want and at the same there is a hurt within us.  Perhaps, it is a selfish thought because there is a sense that they do not need us anymore. 
I, personally, do not feel this is the reason that they do not get in touch with their parents as often.  I feel it is a healthy choice and they are very busy and have a life to form, mold and live within their own 'boundaries'.  This is exactly the way God has designed His plan for children to grow into healthy and wholesome adults.  They will make better parents if/when they have children.  Do they need us as their parents? Absolutely!  Their needs have changed because they have growth into responsible adults.  When we treat and love them as our friends, the 'boundaries' will be healthier and the love will flow more freely. 

Now, let's look at 'Letting Go' in friendships.  Friends come and go and change. This is another difficult arena to understand.  My feelings are when one has a friend, we must not hold on to tightly.  Remember the story of the 'bird in the hand'?  When a person wanted to keep the bird all to itself, it held on too tightly, and it crushed the bird to death.  
Friendships are treasures to enjoy, share with freedom and respect one another.  This is my feeling and the meaning of a true friendship.  Sometimes, friendships are totally misunderstood.  And, there are different types of friendships.  'Life has a way of changing events.  The 'gift' of friendship is golden when one can be separated in distance and time and in one phone call connect as if they were never separated.  I feel this is a 'true friendship' to treasure.  Gifts from God, indeed.
'Letting Go' and gently respecting 'boundaries' in friendships is hard but necessary for true friendships to flow in a healthy fashion.

'Letting Go' in the aging process can be tricky. I feel it can reveal the true vanity in oneself and/or self pride that can get in the way of our joy and happiness.  We work most of our adult lives in some fashion. This can be in a 'work place environment' or as a 'stay at home wife and homemaker'.  Either position that we have chosen, there comes a time to reflect, refocus and make changes in our life style.  And, if/when we do not change in this aging process, 'Time' in our life and living has a way of doing it for us.  The better thought and choice is to make the change for the better. One that will give us one of pleasure and contentment as we gradually and gracefully walk this journey of aging and 'Letting Go'. 

Our 'golden years' should be 'our pleasant years' to have more time and choices to relax and enjoy the things that we couldn't in our working years.  Our society has had a way of putting 'a number' to our; 'end of time days'.  How morbid is that?  In some ways, if we are not proactive in our thinking, we can drift into this same mold.  Please do not do this, for if/when we do; we will be the losers of priceless quality time and joy that we can experience for many years.  May we remember this as we try 'Letting Go' more gently and peaceful in our 'golden years'. 

Part 2 will conclude our Series on 'Heaven, Death, Dying and Letting Go'.  'Letting Go' can be a wonderful discovery as we focus on 'A Call to Love'. 
'Letting Go-let it go 'Gently' ,
Let it 'Flow Freely'

Until next time
God Bless