Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What else do we see in the "Rose and the Rose Garden'?

Life and living .....

Could we say, Life and Living of the Soul?  What makes up the life and living of the Soul?  Does this bring us to the World's Eye of living? This might cause one to Wonder, doesn't it?  The Wonderment of Life and Living is all around us.  
When we take the time to stop and listen; we can hear and see so much more. Sometimes, in the 'world's eye', it is so cancer-ed over and darkened, it can see nothing, nothing at all, of the tenderness of the 'Radiant Face'?   Radiant Face, now what could this be?  Sometimes we need fire and water for the rose to rise up and ripen in it's beauty.  
How else could the rosebuds of life whisper their secrets to the garden?  

This is such a refreshing 'knowing' of our Lord's wonder to and for us, isn't it?  Oh, He is there whenever we 'listen' for Him and discern His beauty in all realms of our Life and Living. 

'Rose Garden of Life'
Are we gathering the 'Paradoxes' and 'similarities' throughout the 'Rose and the Rose Garden' with our Lord and His children?  The Rose Garden will flow when the heart is right.  Do we hear the rose as we look into it's heart?  It might say, 'make me sweet again, fragrant, fresh and thankful'.  This is when we can turn our hearts and go forward.  This is where we will find streams of living water for our soul and in turn spread His love, for the good of our life and living.  'We Become'.  It doesn't happen all at once.  It takes time to grow and weave our growth of wonder and awe within the Rose Garden.  Then we will see the beauty of the Rose as we have never seen it before.  Harmony will flow, my friend, like never before. 

Now, I grow silent even in the midst of a thousand songs in my heart. The Beloved is all that lives.  All that we see are Roses.  

Life and Living of the Soul.....
How can either be in vain?
The person we're meant to become
will unfold and all mankind will gain.

Missions through 'thorns; to the 'beauty of the Rose',
I feel God knew we might never have found.
As we walk this path of the unknown 'we become' and learn.
The 'Rose Garden's' opportunity for us to see the 'Rose', abound.

To know in ones' heart
'All is well', 'in thou soul', and in the night.
to vision....'the infinite',
there can be no lovelier sight!
                                               Doris Swertfeger
'Beauty of the Rose in a Distance'
Until next time
God Bless


  1. Lovely as always Dorrie! Thank you for sharing and brightening our days. dkc

  2. Thanks for sharing with all that are fortunate enough to find this to read and to take it in. There is so much written between the lines so to speak!

  3. Well, Thank you. A very nice comment received with humble thanks. It is interesting to receive comments from the Anonymous. I am pleased that I am touching some hearts.


I appreciate your comments. Thanks, Doris