Saturday, August 10, 2013

'Is A Rose Just A Rose?'

Greeting Friends,

Today, I want to continue with the similarities of our 'Rose Garden' of life.   As we reflect on the beauty of 'the beholder' and the 'Beloved', it might be good to sort out the 'inner lining'.  What I mean by 'inner lining' is the part that makes life worthwhile; the 'Spirit of Wonder' that allows so much beauty and appreciation to come into our view.  Can any of you relate?  It is not difficult to go there.  It takes 'all of our time' and 'none of our time', a paradox, indeed.

Come, the rose garden has flowered...
It is the time of generosity, the treasure of gifts has come.

Let us see the 'rose garden' of love...

 Garden of 'Roses', what kind of garden are you?
   Is a Rose just a Rose?
   God is the great Creator
   or is this just something we have been told?
    'Loving words' does not cost us a red cent
      as we journey up the hill of life.
       All human kin become stronger
          and braver for the strife.

                       A heart full of thankfulness,
                          a patient trust with one another.
                             A soul of simple hopefulness
                               join us 'one in spirit', like no other.

 It does not take very much to touch one.
   Sometimes it's just...'being You'

'I will never leave you'
      that warms the heart of another
        and brings forth new hope in them and you, too.

 From what invisible rose garden
   was flung this rose...
     a gift immeasurably sprinkled                                       
       to each of us without being told.

   May we take the time to speak words of kindness.
      Maybe it will linger in ones' mind.
        Like unspoken dreams will never grow old,
         'Loving words' will gather others of its' kind. 
                                                by Doris Swertfeger

Our trustworthiness implies His trustworthiness. Beth Moore

Until next time
God Bless


  1. Never quit writing, This is just " Beautiful!!!"

  2. God gives wonderful words.


I appreciate your comments. Thanks, Doris