RSDS (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome was the original name for this disease)
CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is the name that has been attached to the disease in recent years)
I have found this disease is a very difficult disease to experience, seek treated and create AWARENESS OF.
I will share just a short version as to what RSDS/CRPS is. Should there be anyone interested in learning more about this disease, please leave a comment. There are professional means to begin a support group.
I was diagnosed many years ago now in Houston, TX with this disease. It will live within me, in some fashion, the rest of my life. It is a disease that there is no cure for, as of today. It can go into remission with the proper medications and therapy; when the disease is diagnosed, early on, after onset. Preferably, within three to six months.
However, mine was not diagnosed for over one year. Therefore, I was in a treatment program for 18 months in order to function. Since it took so long for my diagnosis; I do have some limb damage that gives me issues from time to time. The important thing to remember is: I can walk without aid and I can function independently. I am a happy person and I do not experience the Burning Pain all of the time. My RSDS/CRPS is in remission at the present time. One never knows when it will rear it's ugly head, so to speak.
The 'MAJOR SYMPTOM' of what RSDS/CRPS is: IS A BURNING PAIN. It effects the central nervous system. It is vital to continue the circulation of blood flow to the extremities. When the blood flow isn't flowing evenly over time, the extremity will begin to atrophy (waste away). It is vital for the core/center nervous system to work properly for all parts of the body to work accordingly. RSDS/CRPS is a condition that interrupts this process. An example would be the thought of an electrical process when lightening strikes and the electrical system that is designed to work evenly and accordance with the wiring in line. And, when it is interrupted through another means that isn't invited or belongs in that area, it misfires. The exact same reasoning can be applied as to what is happening in a human body when an injury, an illness and/or trauma of any kind enters the body that isn't welcomed or it is not being treated properly. Over time, usually, a three to six month period, RSDS/CRPS begins to take over with Burning Pain. It is vital for treatment of medications and therapy to keep things moving and active for recovery to begin.
The Number One Question seems to be: 'How does somebody get this disease?' It is created through 'trauma' of some kind. It can be from a surgery that went badly, it can be from a construction worker hitting his leg the wrong way in his work, it can be as simply as a little boy running into first base and hitting his elbow/knee the wrong way. It is the 'firing of nerves' that creates 'trauma' in the human body. This 'trauma' is not treated and/or it lingers in the body in a mis-firing way. Possibly unknown to the person at the time. However, when it lingers for a period of time and does not get better; symptoms will creep out in different ways. A Burning Pain might occur and/or a limb might show redness, the skin might be shiny and tight and/or the limb might turn cold and purple at times. All, symptoms of improper blood flow.
It depends on how long it takes for this treatment to be acquired as to the damage it leaves behind. Again, comparing RSDS/CRPS to the illustration of the electrical process. Depending on how much lightening damage has occurred, will depend on how much maintenance can be done to make the electrical pole whole.
This is a very brief explanation as to what RSDS/CRPS is. This no way completes all that should and can be shared about what RSDS/CRPS.
However, should anybody be interested in learning more and/or have a desire to be a part of forming a support group in the Evansville Tri-State; I would encourage you to comment on my blog.
Perhaps, if there is just one that can be added to another person; an AWARENESS can be brought to RSDS/CRPS to help others.
Thank you for caring.
Until next time
God Bless
Thank you for sharing and helping us understand. PS: The blossoms in your yard are especially beautiful this year.
ReplyDeleteThanks. dkc
Thank you, Diane.