Sunday, November 22, 2015

'THANKFULNESS = The Language of Love'

As we greet another 'Thanksgiving Day' on our calendars, let us pause and give 'THANKS' for an 'abundance of blessings' from our 'hearts'. 

In the story of the pilgrims back into early 1600; 'THANKSGIVING DAY' WAS ONE OF GIVING 'THANKS' FOR THEIR BOUNTY OF PLENTY.'  The memoir of the Cornucopia was to fill it up with fruit/berries and such as a symbol of 'Thanks'.  The Cornucopia is still used today in various decorations.  Perhaps, it is just used as a 'decoration' and the 'true meaning' of its origin has been lost over the years.  In today's time of living, most of us have more than an abundance of plenty, indeed. 

Are we as grateful as the pilgrims were in the early 1600's?  It seems our being grateful in today's world is less in appreciation than in years passed.  Maybe, this is because we do have more in abundant things. As we reflect on this, let us not forget the 'intangible things' that money can not buy us.  Nonetheless, 'thankfulness' can be elaborated on in various degrees. Let's reveal a few, shall we? 

Could it be the same in our 'thankfulness' of what the 'true meaning' and 'reason' of many things that cross our path?  Thankfulness can be plenty of things depending on the 'perceptive' of each person.  Thankfulness is not some 'magic formula'.  It is 'the language of Love' that opens all of us up to more understanding within ourselves and, in turn, flows out to others. Thankful Attitudes' are connected as in 'links are in a chain' that are only as strong as its weakness link'.  
'Give Thanks' for Everything' 
Do we have a 'Thankful Attitude' at this Thanksgiving season to allow ourselves to embrace those things that come our way?  Thankfulness comes in many fashions, colors and avenues. One might not think of 'thankfulness/thankful attitude' as such.  Most things in life have a 'rippling effect' in some entity.  

I think it is important to maintain 'hope', 'give thanks' and always remember we have a 'mighty power' beyond ourselves.  Through this 'heavenly power' in love, through grace, are gifts given to us to help add to our 'Thankful Attitude'.   It might be a gift in a tangible way or it might be a gift in an intangible way. It might cross our path in our welcoming it and it might come into our path in a way that the human side of us would like to curse it.  It might be helpful to keep in mind that all things that do come to us can be 'gifts' 'to season' us into a better person for hence it has come.  Once again, a 'thankful attitude' can be 'our friend' in any season.  

I read where two people in a relationship felt they had to always and ever question the other to know if they loved them.  Possibly, they didn't have a relationship, at all.  Actions will reveal 'authentic love' over time in a relationship.  There will be no need to wonder because all involved will know.  'Thankful Attitudes' will have recognized this 'window of opportunity' permitting it to unfold into what this 'language of love' is meant to be all along.  

'True Thankfulness from a thankful attitude.' How can there be one without the other?  This entity is as relevant as time is to the universe.  Again, it will come full circle over time.  When we can embrace this promise with a 'Thankful Attitude'..... everything else will fall into line called: living life on purpose in 'this language of Love' = Thankfulness. 

When we have 'Thankful Attitudes' in our 'Thankfulness' in all arenas of life and living, than we will have been a part of opening up huge opportunities for peace and love in our celebrations that are called; 'THANKSGIVING DAY'.   We have been given bountifully. 

I wish this kind of 'Thankful Attitude' in all of your 'Thankfulness'; this Thanksgiving Day and every day into the New Year. 

Until next time
God Bless


I appreciate your comments. Thanks, Doris