'Good Friday' is the darkest day
in all Christian history.
Perfect love reached its' height.
This seemed to be a mystery.
Easter is the greatest day
in Christian history for all.
God sent His only son
into the world that we
might live through Him.
The way' the Almighty' designed life to be.
He forgives and gives us
newness of life.
He tells us 'HE' is 'the way'
'the truth' and 'the light'.
Gift of choice has been given to renew our faith
in the living risen Christ.
Jesus walked forth from the tomb.
He prepared our journey for what is holy and right.
May we renew and reflect on this day
for the true meaning of Christ's mission.
Let us pray for 'ALL PEOPLE' in the cosmic world.
Give Thanks, Trust, Hope, Love -- Peace be Still- Listen.
by Doris (Miller) Swertfeger 2015
Until next time
God Bless
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