Sunday, July 28, 2013

'Where do you want to spend eternity?'

Series on 'Heaven, Death, Dying, Letting Go'

Today, the subject is on 'Where do you want to spend eternity'?  This is a question that we do not hear shared in frequent conversations.  However, this is a subject that is very important in one's way of life and living, in my humble opinion.  

Let's view this subject in the light as if we do not care where we spend eternity.  One might think it doesn't matter because once a person is dead, it doesn't matter because that person would not know.  This would be a person that does not believe in a higher power and/or has not accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.  That is one view.  Let's look at another person's view and belief.  This person believes that when they are die, they would not know in the physical form but in the spiritual form, their Spirit would go to heaven and therefore, they care very much where they will spend eternity   
This person believes there is a heaven and they care as to where they will spend eternity. Therefore, they live their life and living differently here on earth in preparation for when they will spend eternity in heaven.  The difference is in ones' belief.  If and/or when one accepts Christ as their personal Savior,  they will believe there is a heaven and they will long to know where they want/will spend eternity.  

Being righteous, does not give one the right or allow one to enter heaven.  Accept the free gift of salvation, Jesus has already died for our Sins.  God has provided us a risen Savior Jesus Christ who is a great teacher that performs miracles, died for our sins, arose from the grave,  forgives our sins - Confess, ask Jesus to come into your heart.  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Romans 10:13
Other scriptures are:  Romans 3:10, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, John 3:16, Romans 10:9 

'Christ paid the price - freely - where you can spend eternity' 
Inspiration is just inspiration unless you develop the right mindset to tune in/discern and focus your attention on what you truly want in your life.  Whatever that may be, it is our choice and God will not interfere with our 'free will'.  When things sometimes doesn't go as I would like and I question God's reasoning in, if you will, in what is crossing my path; I need to pause and discern if I have gotten in the way of His Will and tried to walk in 'my' will.  Sometimes, I have blocked or prevented His Will that would have been much better at the end of the day and beyond. 

'God's Beauty' 
We do not have because we do not asked.  I find that I have missed so many opportunities of insight through my not discerning some ways that the Lord wants to show me His Will and help my life and living to be more full.  And, more joyful ways through nature.  As we listen to the birds calling to one another, we can hear also His Love-call to us.  He speaks to us continually: through sights, sounds, thoughts, impressions, Scripture.  There is no limit to the variety of ways we can communicate with Him.  I know that I need to be more attentive to His messages in whatever form He might send them. And, I must remember that I not only find Him in the beauty of nature but also in tragedy and faces filled with grief.  He can take all of these things and make good of it through the teachings of His Will when we 'listen' and obey Him.  
It takes none of our time but it takes all of our time.  It is a paradox, indeed.  It becomes a way of life inch by inch; we 'become'.  We could relate this to the Velveteen Rabbit story. 

God is able to do for more than we could ever ask for or imagine.  Ephesians 3:20

Therefore, as we close this writing today, I will leave you with this: 'Where do you want to spend eternity?'  The choice is for you to make. The offer expires with your life at any time, so you might want to accept it now while you can. 

'God Speaks to Us in so Many Beautiful Ways' 
Until next time
God Bless


I appreciate your comments. Thanks, Doris