Saturday, July 13, 2013

Questions/Concerns: 'Heaven'

Hi Friends,

As I pondered this post, it has been difficult for me to pen my thoughts and look beyond what people might think the purpose of my post is today.  

However, as I lingered from day to day with these same thoughts coming back to me, I have decided to take the risk and share.  The purpose is possibly in 'my lingering thoughts'. 

Not long ago, I was chatting with an individual and the subject came up about death, dying and aging.  Sound a bit morbid?  No, not really, to me. I think at a very early age and/or when the parents think the child will understand, it is good to share a bit about death and dying, especially. 
First, might come the dying of a pet to the child and this is a good time and a way to share with the child.  The subject projects thoughts to the child that 'we are not going to live forever'.  This is for every creature and human.  Well, this is established but where do we go from here, maybe, nowhere, for years to come.  So, this is where I will begin.  
'Natures' Wonders' 

After explaining to a child at an early age, what/where do we go from there.  It is amazing how whatever we shared with a child will effect this child for a lifetime.  And, do we continue on our journey giving it much thought?  Years go by and than the child become a parent and the cycle starts all over again.  I feel it is important to realize the importance of this subject of 'Heaven' before life has passed us by and we have questions that we do not know how to answer. 

I think it is obvious that most will have an answer that 'they believe' but is it an answer that has had much thought/prayer put into it or is it an answer that we can hurriedly put aside and not have to think or talk about it?  This is easy to do for most of us.  
'Nature's Beauty' 

I have chosen to share/suggest a few thoughts and possible opinions and/or beliefs as we walk through these subjects in the posts that will follow.   However, today, let's begin with some basic thoughts. 

The subject that I am referring to today is 'HEAVEN'.  The first, likely, conclusion to the subject of Heaven is that the persons that have an interest in even reading this post is that 'there is a Heaven.'  For, if there is any body out there that does not believe this, than obviously this post will not interest you.  I feel that is an 'individual decision' and I do not intend to impose my beliefs on anyone.  I am seeking persons that have thoughts/beliefs and would like to ponder and share in my 'comment section' or just feel free to read my post and do whatever you feel led to do.  I feel these are some 'thought provoking' questions that come to a person's mind that do believe and want to know more about 'Heaven'.  I seriously cannot believe that it has not/does not ever cross one's mind from time to time. 

Let me ask you, would you have answers and/or concerns to the following questions, if they were asked to you today?  As we begin, just pretend you are having a comfortable conversation with a friend and these questions arise.  How would you answer them and could you relate to them in comfort as to where/how you feel about them?  

  • What is Heaven like?
  • Will we know one another by appearance in Heaven?
  • Will we know when we are dead?
  • Will it be scary when we die?
  • Will we know we are dying?
  • What will we do in Heaven?
  • How does divorced couples see the other in Heaven?
  • How does divorced ex-couples and/or remarried couples relate? 
  • Will God forgive me for going through a divorce? 
  • Do we talk in Heaven and see people as we see them today?
  • What will we know in Heaven? 
The questions could go on and on.  Questions by the young and old and can be similar in nature to some measure.  Let's go slowly as we walk this mission together. 
This will conclude my post for today.  I encourage any body that is interested in sharing, regarding this post, please feel free to do so on my 'blog comment post' or 'comment' on Facebook.  

The continued subjects are 'heaven, dying, death and aging'.  And, I will conclude on the subject: 'letting go'.
'God's timing is everything' 
I do not find these subjects morbid in the least.  They can be the beginning to 'a refreshing renewal' and 'a new beginning' forever.  It all depends in 'the eye of the beholder' and/or 'the willingness of one's heart'.

Until next time
God Bless


  1. Hi Sis,

    I am looking forward to reading the future posts!!! They should give
    everyone that reads them a lot of insight into wondering, thinking and
    possibly doing some research of their own!!! God Speed!!!


I appreciate your comments. Thanks, Doris