Monday, September 16, 2013


Greetings Friends,

As the news began this a.m., what did we hear?  Fear is heighten in Washington D.C. with angry shooters, once again.  It seems there are so many non-trusting, insecure, lost people out there in our world.  Their thoughts are focused on hurting others in return. 

In light of this, I felt this poem might help cushion our emotions just a bit. Does this poem solve any problems of today so far away?  No, but it only take a seed as small as a mustard seed of faith, hope, trust to touch a person.  And, in turn, hopefully, spread across our land.  One small step at a time.  Our hope can connect to just one person in an attempt to try to help in some way to bridge so many broken hearts for so many different reasons each day.  There can be peace, hope, faith through prayer that can be powerful. Each prayer spoken in each person's own way, filters through ways we cannot understand but it does allow the Spirit to be felt in hearts far from our sight.  This is called Faith, Hope, Trust in something bigger then ourselves, indeed.
I wrote this poem in 1992 but I feel the same today. 

Hope is a 'Golden Rope'.
Perhaps, a 'heavenly rope' we cannot see.
Love can cushion many fears
and comfort hope to free.
Hope, trust and understanding people
help us to appreciate any gift of love.
It is vital to know when to let go
with gracious patience from above.
Sometimes it takes years and years
to believe there are true friends to be found.
And, not from just the well known class,
but, from simple folk from common ground.
'Hope' is the 'Golden Rope' to heaven.
May we give thanks for even things we cannot see.
Faith, Hope, Trust in 'One Spirit' are heavenly gifts
that abides in 'our hearts' that set all people free.
Copyrighted Doris Swertfeger
Let us all pause today and remember all of the people that are involved in this Headline Fearful event in Washington D.C. today. 

Until next time
God Bless

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