Sunday, July 28, 2013

'Where do you want to spend eternity?'

Series on 'Heaven, Death, Dying, Letting Go'

Today, the subject is on 'Where do you want to spend eternity'?  This is a question that we do not hear shared in frequent conversations.  However, this is a subject that is very important in one's way of life and living, in my humble opinion.  

Let's view this subject in the light as if we do not care where we spend eternity.  One might think it doesn't matter because once a person is dead, it doesn't matter because that person would not know.  This would be a person that does not believe in a higher power and/or has not accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.  That is one view.  Let's look at another person's view and belief.  This person believes that when they are die, they would not know in the physical form but in the spiritual form, their Spirit would go to heaven and therefore, they care very much where they will spend eternity   
This person believes there is a heaven and they care as to where they will spend eternity. Therefore, they live their life and living differently here on earth in preparation for when they will spend eternity in heaven.  The difference is in ones' belief.  If and/or when one accepts Christ as their personal Savior,  they will believe there is a heaven and they will long to know where they want/will spend eternity.  

Being righteous, does not give one the right or allow one to enter heaven.  Accept the free gift of salvation, Jesus has already died for our Sins.  God has provided us a risen Savior Jesus Christ who is a great teacher that performs miracles, died for our sins, arose from the grave,  forgives our sins - Confess, ask Jesus to come into your heart.  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Romans 10:13
Other scriptures are:  Romans 3:10, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, John 3:16, Romans 10:9 

'Christ paid the price - freely - where you can spend eternity' 
Inspiration is just inspiration unless you develop the right mindset to tune in/discern and focus your attention on what you truly want in your life.  Whatever that may be, it is our choice and God will not interfere with our 'free will'.  When things sometimes doesn't go as I would like and I question God's reasoning in, if you will, in what is crossing my path; I need to pause and discern if I have gotten in the way of His Will and tried to walk in 'my' will.  Sometimes, I have blocked or prevented His Will that would have been much better at the end of the day and beyond. 

'God's Beauty' 
We do not have because we do not asked.  I find that I have missed so many opportunities of insight through my not discerning some ways that the Lord wants to show me His Will and help my life and living to be more full.  And, more joyful ways through nature.  As we listen to the birds calling to one another, we can hear also His Love-call to us.  He speaks to us continually: through sights, sounds, thoughts, impressions, Scripture.  There is no limit to the variety of ways we can communicate with Him.  I know that I need to be more attentive to His messages in whatever form He might send them. And, I must remember that I not only find Him in the beauty of nature but also in tragedy and faces filled with grief.  He can take all of these things and make good of it through the teachings of His Will when we 'listen' and obey Him.  
It takes none of our time but it takes all of our time.  It is a paradox, indeed.  It becomes a way of life inch by inch; we 'become'.  We could relate this to the Velveteen Rabbit story. 

God is able to do for more than we could ever ask for or imagine.  Ephesians 3:20

Therefore, as we close this writing today, I will leave you with this: 'Where do you want to spend eternity?'  The choice is for you to make. The offer expires with your life at any time, so you might want to accept it now while you can. 

'God Speaks to Us in so Many Beautiful Ways' 
Until next time
God Bless

Thursday, July 25, 2013

'God's Forgiveness'

God's Forgiveness to US - things we feel we have failed Him.
'God's Infinite Forgiveness to All Who Believe in HIM'

Today, we have reached the subject on God's Forgiveness.  This question came into discussion that I had a few weeks ago with a person that has concerns and wonders as to how God looks on divorce and carries this thought from time to time with them.  This is just one topic we can wonder and have concerns to our unfailing short comings in pleasing our God.  Let's just start off by stating that we have an 'Infinite Forgiving God to All Who Believe in Him'.  In our actions and earnest convictions from our heart asking His forgiveness, He will forgive us in His Loving Grace.  

This subject would be highly controversial in today's world.  The Bible states certain reasons for divorce and again, how does one read into and interpret the scriptures.  Do we take it in as it fits our circumstances?  As I have stated many times and want to continue to make clear that I do not in any way want to judge and/or try to appear as I know the answers.  However, the reason that I started this post on these specific subjects was in light of specific questions and concerns that I have encountered in conversation.  I have brought them through this blog postings for thought, concern, and insight. My hope was to bring forth comments for/from others to ponder and, perhaps, bring more attention to broaden perceptive to all that would choose to get involved in an anonymous and/or other way.  

I can only share my views, thoughts and beliefs in this mission that I have chosen.  This was a bold move on my part and I accept that there are others that have read these posts on these particular subjects that do not particularly like them, and/or agree with my thoughts and/or my beliefs.  I respect them as I continue to walk my journey and they walk theirs.  However, if at anytime we can share and allow everyone to grow in some way by putting the subjects 'out there'; what can it hurt.  I know, only my risk, in doing so.  That is ok in my world today.  I'll take the risk.

 Let us not delay any further this subject of today on God's Forgiveness. 
 First, what is forgiveness?  The concept of forgiveness is as slippery as a greased pig in a pig contest, if you will.  The harder you try to hold on, the more slippery it becomes.  People use the word "forgiveness" loosely and mean different things.  It states in 2 Corinthians 2: 10-11  "Now whom you forgive anything, I also forgive.  For if indeed I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven that one for your sakes in the presence of Christ, lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices."  

True forgiveness occurs when those cold emotions of unforgiveness are changed to warm, loving and compassionate emotions resulting from a heartfelt transformation.  Forgiveness is both an act and a process. 
You know, we as humans look at forgiveness as what we do to get rid of unforgiveness. 
God's forgiveness of humans and our forgiveness of one another are different, although related.  Both involve an emotional response by the forgiver toward another who needs forgiveness   However, there's a difference in the one doing the forgiving.  God has an infinite perspective on us, we do not have that same perspective on others.  God knows our hearts and motives, so in that, He can legitimately petition our repentance prior to forgiving.  Humans cannot demand repentance before granting forgiveness. 

Forgiveness is often thought of as a 'Christian Duty'.  I was happy to read that forgiveness can rarely be accomplished as a 'Duty'.  Although, positive emotions does replace the negative emotions and it is a process.  Some might refer to this process as a duty but I do not believe it is a continual process as a duty.  I think we see and feel differently and the past is behind us in a different vision.  Where as God, he forgets the past as we ask for His forgiveness.  Remember the woman at the well,  HE said, 'to go and sin no more.'  Now, did she forget her sin?  Perhaps, she learned from it but she was 100% forgiven.  So, hopefully this will allow a more secure feeling in one's heart as they long to feel that freedom of forgiveness from God.  Whatever the concern and wonder is within each of us, there is none that God cannot forgive through His grace and our willingness to ask His forgiveness for.  

  • Matthew 6:12  And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. 

In closing today, I would like to share from a reading from a Book, From God's Heart To Yours.

You're enough because I've promised you all you need.  (11 Corinthians 12:9)
You belong because I've chosen you. (1 Peter 2:9)
You're beautiful because I made you.  (Psalm 139:14)
You've got a purpose because I'm directing your life.  (Psalm 138:8)
You're secure because I've got you - and I'll never let you go. (John 10:28)

Remember, whatever you go through - that will always, always be true.  

Lastly, I have held on to this for many years: 
He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion. Philippians 1:6
'Let us never lose Hope' 
Until next time
God Bless

Sunday, July 21, 2013

'A Place Prepared for Us in Heaven'

'A Place Prepared for Us in Heaven'

Hi Friends,
'Every Creature Has it's Beauty, Place and Purpose'
Our post today will be giving some insight on 'A Place Prepared for Us in Heaven'. 
As we read some scripture in Revelation, it reveals to me that when God spoke in Heaven, He called it, "My Father's house."  Let's think of that for a moment. 

Heaven is the place where God lives, where His angels dwell, and where His people will spend eternity.  Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you will be also"  (John 14:1-3). 

We have the promise of Jesus Christ Himself that He will take us to His Father's house.  

The last two chapters of the last book of the Bible, Revelation, describe some of the grandeur of heaven:

God will be with His people.  "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them" (Rev. 21:3)

"They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads" (Rev. 22:4)

"Heaven will be a place of eternal joy. "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.  There shall be no more pain"  (Rev. 21:4)

Heaven's beauty is indescribable. It is full with the glory of God. "Her light was like a most precious stone. The construction of its wall was of jasper; and the city was pure gold, like clear glass.  The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with all kinds of  precious stones.  The twelve gates were twelve pearls.  And, the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass"  (Rev. 21:11, 18, 19, 21).

God is heaven's focal point.  "The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it.  The Lamb is its light" (Rev. 21:23)

It is my belief that those who will reject or neglect faith in Jesus will never see heaven.  Again, I am only penning my beliefs based on what I read/conceive and believe from the Bible.  I think that many books can cause one to wonder but to me the Bible is our guide as much as any book. Some will state that 'men' wrote this book, too.  However, this is my guide.  My belief and faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior is my focus that keeps me firm in my daily walk. 

As we continue to focus our attention on our Series, we have now covered 'What is Heaven like'.  He has prepared a place called 'Heaven' for any body that wants to live with Him.  And in today's reading, we hear where 'A Place has been Prepared for Us in Heaven'.  Again, He gave each of us a 'Will' to choose our destiny. 

We cannot know every detail as to how we will relate with our loved ones, in what way we might see and/or recognize them but we do know, we will be there in 'SPIRIT'.  I, in my own humble opinion and belief  feel that we will not see them as we saw them here on earth but we will know them through the 'Spirit'.  As for me, that is enough.  I will accept the rest by faith in Him. 

As for as, 'will it be scary when we die' and/or 'will we know when we are dying'.  I truly do not think so from my 'near death experience'.  You may refer back to my sharing my 'near death experience' and recall that I did not know that I was any place here on earth nor any place except this wonderful glorious place.  Then I woke up and I knew that I had been someplace other than here.  The doctor told me that I was 1/4" of death, so that is why I know in the physical form, to the professional medical team, I almost died.  All that I knew was I was surrounded in beauty and light.  Again, that is enough for me to walk the journey by faith in Him.  'What will we do in Heaven?'  We will feel no pain and be happy in His loving everlasting arms.  I think faith in Him is the key to live for this goal.

I hope that this enlightens us somewhat as to the many questions that we will never truly have an exact answer to.  However, another important question we could add to this Series is:  'how do each of us want to spend eternity?'  I feel most of the information and/or readings from the scripture that I have shared and will continue to share will lead us all back to God's original plan to reach Heaven.  

Our next post will relate to God's forgiveness to us for things we feel and/or have failed Him.  Following that, I will share on 'how do each of us want to spend eternity' and lastly, I will share on "Letting Go". 
I will conclude the Series on "Heaven, Death Dying and Letting Go' with the poem on 'Letting Go & Aging'.
'Let us Walk in God's Rainbow of Hope'

Until next time
God Bless

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Greeting Friends,
'a closing look'

 Today, let's take 'a closer look'.  I will try to share 'Eternal Life in Heaven'.  This might put some light on the questions I mentioned in my earlier post.  I will list them so we have them at hand.  Remember each one of these questions were asked to me.  

I am bringing them to light and decided to share this Series on 'Heaven, Death, Dying, Letting Go' as I pondered the questions, myself.  So, I pause to thank this individual for this.  Sometimes it is helpful to stir our thoughts, feelings and beliefs in these areas. 
I will pen a poem that I have written as we conclude this Series. 

  • What is Heaven like?
  • Will we know one another by appearance in Heaven?
  • Will we know when we are dead?
  • Will it be scary when we die?
  • Will we know we are dying?
  • What will we do in Heaven?
  • How does divorced couples see the other in Heaven?
  • How does divorced ex-couples and/or remarried couples relate?
  • Will God forgive me for going through a divorce?
  • Do we talk in Heaven and see people as we see them today?
  • What will we know in Heaven?
Please remember, anything that I share is from my thoughts, beliefs, questions and comments.  I share to help us all ponder, wonder, search, study, discern and hopefully shed light on these subjects that most people find difficult in talking about or even have a desire to think about.
I feel that the greatest hope of all humans is that they will live again someday in heaven forever. The yearning to live again in a better place after death is an almost universal desire.  I think that there are many that think it is an 'inborn quest' placed in the human heart by God.  And, I believe that the only quest that 'can suffocate', if you will, is by the rebellion and from a person that 'just does not believe in God.  Again, I will take the risk and share my belief here. 
I have gathered from the Bible that while most people will admit to that distinctive yearning for life in a better world, only Christians and Jews have any definite knowledge of heaven.  
As we review the Garden of Eden 'before the Fall'.  It was gorgeous: a place of beauty, peace, and not just between humans and animals but the entire creation.  I believe that Heaven will be even better.  And, to me, that is the key---heaven is indescribable and so beyond our imagination for all of us.  
As sad as it feels for our loved ones, I feel going through 'a near death experience' was/is a blessing to the ones that have experienced it.  I know since I have experienced it, it has never left me in reflections of trying times, especially.  There is a sense of glory, hope and 'a cushion', so to speak, that I hold dear in my heart.  That is the only way I know to explain it.  It is something I will treasure and I will try, even harder, to continue to be a 'gimper' for God because of it.  {For those that do not know what a 'gimper' for God is.  A 'gimper for God' is a person that wants to always and ever discern what it is God wants them to be about in being a helper for Him.  'Jabez' was a true 'gimper for God'.} 
I will share in our next post 'A Place Prepared For Us in Heaven'.  There will be more specifics in shedding more light on our questions.  WE all know that the Bible doesn't give specific answers to a lot of our direct questions, but it does give us a guide to what it is that satisfies those questions.  I feel this is vital in how we live today.  It is our 'road map' to continue our journey here for our peace and in fulfilling our purpose for our life.  God has a purpose and plan for each and everyone of us.  Would it not be glorious to know that we are on purpose for the very reason we are all here? Well, God knows, God cares, God will show us that plan when we are in His Will and have a Desire to know it.   

Until next time
God Bless

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Series: 'Heaven, Death, Dying and Letting go'

Hi Friends,
'Many images' in
many 'eyes of the beholder'

'Continued Series on 'Heaven, Death, Dying and Letting go'

Any body want to ask me if I am having a good day?  I can laugh now but I posted my post today and somehow in my 'not paying enough attention',  I deleted it.  Yes, I had completed it and had published it.

Well, isn't this just the way we are sometimes in our spiritual life and living.  We think we say what we want to say, do what we think is right and then we get in a hurry and we miss out on what we thought we had already done.  Again, as I have prepared for each and every post during these Series, so far, something has come along that leads me to another post of sharing my human side.

I post each post from my heart and mind through prayer before every post.  I do not write/type this post ahead of time and retype.  I put my thoughts down as I go.  Therefore, that is why I lost the post that I had already published.  So, what about saving the post and then moving forward? That sound simple enough. Well, that sounds like a good plan as my husband has reminded me repeatedly. Well, how many times have we been told, shared and taken in 'scriptural food' and we somehow listen at the time but how quickly we go on about our life and living and we, again, find we could have prevented some of our grief and more importantly enjoyed more blessings?

What I did pen and shared was very close to the following.

I feel as we walk slowly through this Series, it is very important to take the time to digest, discern, study, pray and allow ourselves to become comfortable with the subjects.  It is important to understand and 'wear',  if you will, all aspects on these subjects.  These subjects on 'Heaven, Death, Dying and Letting go' are very dear to our heart and ones that we will not/can not avoid in our lifetime.

We all realize that this time will come at some point in our lives but we have made lightly of them, such as: 'Every body wants to go to Heaven but nobody want to die".  Also, "everybody wants to go to Heaven but nobody wants to get on the bus."
And on it goes.  However, this is just another reason to walk slowly and allow all of us to 'find our focus point in God's Spirit' and then we can flow and take in more of His Love and understanding. 

I have chosen to share a reading that was written in Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.

"Let Me show you My way for you this day.  I guide you continually, so you can relax and enjoy.  My Presence in the present.  Living well is both a discipline and an art.  Concentrate on staying close to Me, the divine Artist.  Discipline your thoughts to trust Me as I work My ways in your life.  Pray about everything; then, leave outcomes up to Me.  Do not fear My will, for through it I accomplish what is best for you.  Take a deep breath and dive into the depths of absolute trust in Me.  Underneath are the everlasting arms!"

Psalm 5:2-3;  Deuteronomy 33:27

Until next time
God Bless



Monday, July 15, 2013

'What is 'Heaven' really like?' ''Do we really know?'

Hi Friends,
'up close & personal'
'A Cloud within a Cloud-or is there more?' 
I begin today in sharing a picture that caught my eye, last evening.  As I shared it with my husband, we thought it was a 'moment to snap in time'.  It was this
beautiful 'cloud within a cloud' in the sky.  The more I looked at it there were so many things that brought this picture to a different level beyond the uniqueness of it's 'first eye view', if you will.  I am going to post the 'original out of focus' pic.  I would like for us to take 'note' in each pic as to what you see but than as we move forward to the other pics, look more clearly and 'on purpose'.  What do you really see?

'from a distance
we miss so much'
I feel that we could look at this as an 'entry way' to, perhaps, our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and uncertainly of 'heaven''What is heaven really like?'  When we look at life from a distance and we are busy in our living; we don't really see, feel or give much thought as to what is out there.  We have heard the saying that for some, 'the sky' could fall around them and they wouldn't even know it'.  Well, are we much different in our giving much 'soul searching, seeking, exploring effort' as to what 'heaven' is really like?  I think that persons that 'believe in heaven' think, from time to time, that we have this 'warm and fuzzy' feeling that one day we will go there. 

And, there are persons that 'believe in heaven' that are frightened to think about it and dying and death is hard for them to think about and/or face.  Again, another reason to lighten our hearts in finding promise, hope and peace today so we can enjoy our living today.  As we continue from my last post, on the subjects of 'heaven, death, dying and concluding with 'letting go'; we will tread this path together and hopefully, share our experiences, beliefs and comments.  I have no answers to our many questions on these subjects but want to be a 'gimper' for God in His allowing me to be used for His helper in all ways.

Again, when we find 'the focal point' of what 'heaven' is like, it brings joy in our hearts today. I feel it is very important to seek out in whatever measure it might take to learn and grow in one's knowledge and hope that might help us.  I have found in my 'near death experience' an 'up close and personal' experience as to what 'heaven' seems to be like?  I experienced only a glimmer.  And, did I feel pain as I slipped away from consciousness, none indeed.  It is totally indescribable. 

I will try to share as to 'what I experienced' and not 'what I can't know or think'. 
On a lighter side, this reminds me of my husband in another way, at times.  When we go to the grocer, I will say to him: 'well, we DON'T NEED this or we DON'T NEED that."  He, so calmly says to me: 'would it not be better if you said what we DO NEED?"  So, pardon the humor but  I truly feel that God has a sense of humor so I find it good to sprinkle the 'human side of humor in', now and again.
I CAN TELL YOU that it was a 'wonderful feeling/presence of beauty and radiant light, a very serene place.  So much that I was unhappy to realize when I awoke that I was still here lying in a hospital bed.  Can you imagine how wonderful this had to have been to not want to come back to my loving family and ten year old daughter.  When a parent would give their very own life for their child and still had this instantaneous feeling as to 'why' did God bring me back and allow me to live.  I knew later that He had a plan for my life and it wasn't over here.  End of story.  

Once I accepted this fact, I was good but the time that it took me to ask for forgiveness from Him to take my anger away for allowing me to leave this indescribable, serene, beautiful place, I called, 'the entry to heaven' was one that only a loving forgiving God could/would forgive.  I have learned and believe that God just knows best and it grieves Him 'in our unwillingness' to accept how He allows our lives to unfold.  He has the 'power' to please our every need but in 'His Will',  does not allow our wants to unfold.  Oh, the hurt is there but God knows the timing in all things and in all ways.  Always and ever, He just does.  I have found it is always in 'my selfish ways' that I am sad and not for the reasons God has allowed something to unfold.  I try to remember: God is too wise, to not know what is best, He is too loving to hurt us, He is too forgiving to give up on us.

 I hope as we reflect on each fragment or just a phase of this post that some body might have sensed 'an awareness' in some way that they might  feel/see a 'closer vision' as to 'What Heaven must be like?'  

'The glimmer of my near death experience' was enough to give me great 'peace' and a 'calm' about death, dying and heaven each day since.  I wish that I could share that experience with others.  Do I know what heaven is really like?  No, but I have no fear of death, dying and/or heaven.  It gives me peace as I reflect on heaven and a greater peace as I walk through the valley with a loved one.  

I feel more importantly than wondering 'what heaven is like' is how/what must we do to get there.  Heaven is for God's people-those who have accepted Christ as Savior.  I think we can learn and grow in His Word to have a better insight as to what 'Heaven is like' and how He wants us to be with Him one day.  All of us who have accepted Him as their personal Savior and ask forgiveness of all of our sins, will some day be with Him in Heaven.  I do believe this. We can share our experience, 'if we have ever had a 'near death experience',  and we can listen, study, pray for insight and grace to reveal a hope and faith in Him. 
'what do you see'
'many pics in one'
God will be with His people.  It is stated that there is no pain in heaven, no need for worries nor grief.  It is said that when He spoke of heaven while on earth, He called it, "My Father's house."  Heaven is a place where God lives, where His angels dwell, and where His people will spend eternity.  Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  Heaven will be a place of eternal joy.

'Oh, I see what it is'

'I see it from a distance'
            'God is heaven's
                focal point'

     The greatest hope
of all humans is that they will live again someday in heaven forever.

What a glorious future awaits us!
Until next time
God Bless
'I see it more clearly'
'Up close & personal'

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Questions/Concerns: 'Heaven'

Hi Friends,

As I pondered this post, it has been difficult for me to pen my thoughts and look beyond what people might think the purpose of my post is today.  

However, as I lingered from day to day with these same thoughts coming back to me, I have decided to take the risk and share.  The purpose is possibly in 'my lingering thoughts'. 

Not long ago, I was chatting with an individual and the subject came up about death, dying and aging.  Sound a bit morbid?  No, not really, to me. I think at a very early age and/or when the parents think the child will understand, it is good to share a bit about death and dying, especially. 
First, might come the dying of a pet to the child and this is a good time and a way to share with the child.  The subject projects thoughts to the child that 'we are not going to live forever'.  This is for every creature and human.  Well, this is established but where do we go from here, maybe, nowhere, for years to come.  So, this is where I will begin.  
'Natures' Wonders' 

After explaining to a child at an early age, what/where do we go from there.  It is amazing how whatever we shared with a child will effect this child for a lifetime.  And, do we continue on our journey giving it much thought?  Years go by and than the child become a parent and the cycle starts all over again.  I feel it is important to realize the importance of this subject of 'Heaven' before life has passed us by and we have questions that we do not know how to answer. 

I think it is obvious that most will have an answer that 'they believe' but is it an answer that has had much thought/prayer put into it or is it an answer that we can hurriedly put aside and not have to think or talk about it?  This is easy to do for most of us.  
'Nature's Beauty' 

I have chosen to share/suggest a few thoughts and possible opinions and/or beliefs as we walk through these subjects in the posts that will follow.   However, today, let's begin with some basic thoughts. 

The subject that I am referring to today is 'HEAVEN'.  The first, likely, conclusion to the subject of Heaven is that the persons that have an interest in even reading this post is that 'there is a Heaven.'  For, if there is any body out there that does not believe this, than obviously this post will not interest you.  I feel that is an 'individual decision' and I do not intend to impose my beliefs on anyone.  I am seeking persons that have thoughts/beliefs and would like to ponder and share in my 'comment section' or just feel free to read my post and do whatever you feel led to do.  I feel these are some 'thought provoking' questions that come to a person's mind that do believe and want to know more about 'Heaven'.  I seriously cannot believe that it has not/does not ever cross one's mind from time to time. 

Let me ask you, would you have answers and/or concerns to the following questions, if they were asked to you today?  As we begin, just pretend you are having a comfortable conversation with a friend and these questions arise.  How would you answer them and could you relate to them in comfort as to where/how you feel about them?  

  • What is Heaven like?
  • Will we know one another by appearance in Heaven?
  • Will we know when we are dead?
  • Will it be scary when we die?
  • Will we know we are dying?
  • What will we do in Heaven?
  • How does divorced couples see the other in Heaven?
  • How does divorced ex-couples and/or remarried couples relate? 
  • Will God forgive me for going through a divorce? 
  • Do we talk in Heaven and see people as we see them today?
  • What will we know in Heaven? 
The questions could go on and on.  Questions by the young and old and can be similar in nature to some measure.  Let's go slowly as we walk this mission together. 
This will conclude my post for today.  I encourage any body that is interested in sharing, regarding this post, please feel free to do so on my 'blog comment post' or 'comment' on Facebook.  

The continued subjects are 'heaven, dying, death and aging'.  And, I will conclude on the subject: 'letting go'.
'God's timing is everything' 
I do not find these subjects morbid in the least.  They can be the beginning to 'a refreshing renewal' and 'a new beginning' forever.  It all depends in 'the eye of the beholder' and/or 'the willingness of one's heart'.

Until next time
God Bless

Thursday, July 11, 2013


                             'In Loving Memory of Sharon Kleiman'
                     Flowers can show 'love, 'hope', 'peace & promise'

                                         'IN LOVING MEMORY
                                       OF SHARON KLEIMAN'
                 'Wife, Mother, Aunt, Grandma, Sister, Cousin, Friend'

                                 In everything there is a season,      
                       spring, summer, winter and autumns' brown. 
                      Every body sees beauty in all of these seasons,
                       especially, when 'Your Mother' was around.
  Blessed are the gentle people
  who share 'the gift of love'.
 'Your Mother's heart' was always
   weaving peace as in a dove.
'Your Mother' laughed and had a great sense of humor.
Sharon joined hearts together in a quiet and simple way.
Her love will always linger with her
family and friends, every day.
'Time' cannot be measured.
Sometimes it catches us off guard.
'Your Mother', blessed so many people with golden memories.
It truly 'helps to reflect' so her loss won't be so hard.
Family & Friends, try to remember, God Loves and Cares.
HE knows your hours of strife and pain.
You know that you are never alone....May we continue
to reach out for HIM to comfort, again and again.
                  In love, hope, peace & prayers,