As I have shared in my blog that 'Life is a wonder to me', the Oklahoma tornado speaks volumes today. There is no way to relate to the people that are experiencing this terrible tragedy in Oklahoma. What does it mean to every person there in Oklahoma and across our land. The 'message' is in the process and the 'teacher' is silent or is HE? To seek, discern, pray, hope, trust and cling to ones' faith is vital at this time, indeed.
Our minds kick in gear as to what would we do, how would we feel, what if it happens to us, how can we protect ourselves and our children. It is not so much adverse events that make us anxious as it is our thoughts about those events. We have a tentative to want to control or fix things. We quickly forget who is in charge when an act of God is allowed to unfold.
Where is our trust and faith in all things during times as these? What can we do to help so far away as we hear about this tornado. Is this event only speaking to those in Oklahoma?
Today, my thoughts are all over the place as I watch and read about this terrible tornado in Oklahoma this morning. We all know that there isn't a single soul that could have prevented this tornado.
I read recently from a reading of Graham Cooke these words: "God allows in HIS Wisdom what HE could easily prevent in HIS power." WOW! How does this settle in our hearts? Are we back to choices and how we view the 'whys' of life? Are the 'wonders of life' about something deeper than what we want to feel this morning as our hearts break. This might be a time to reflect in a deeper level as to the 'whys' of real life lessons of this tornado. This tornado might change persons lives in a way that brings them a new awareness of life and living.
I have chosen this morning to share this poem that I have penned as I reflect, ponder and pray for the many hearts that are hurting so badly in Oklahoma and around our world.
May 19, 2013 was an ordinary date, sending children to school.
By the end of the day, it was similar to 1999's memory of a 'Howling Gate'.
Before the tornado sweep through this day,
folks' memories had faded and they didn't think of this date.
For some, time allowed for nothing.
Much more than seconds, minutes of whirling winds and rain were released.
The boldness of disaster took, homes, businesses and lives.
The results of the tornado is beyond human belief.
Folks are supporting all means against the wicked winds of speed.
More than neighbors and families, are ready and standing tall.
Homes, trees, vehicles, and people were tossed everywhere.
Life seems more precious - the mission to help is their 'call'.
Loving people are coming from near and far.
They want to join this mission in resolve for a common cause.
They are mixing their sweat with other peoples' sweat, dirt,
mud, rain; still, they haven't paused.
Yes, awakening calls roar through disasters.
Courage, compassion, empathy flows across our land.
People helping carry their burdens, as in: 'you ain't heavy, your my brother'.
It is priceless and precious in giving and extending a helping hand.
'May god's guidance, love and grace' overshadow all people.
Abolishing all differences, with harmony to give and receive.
Let us hear with our hearts and not our ears only.
May God grant us a willingness and compassion to perceive.
copyrighted by Doris Swertfeger
'LOVE' is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.
God Bless
Thank you so much Diane!