Friday, May 10, 2013


Mothers are special people.  Mothers come from different professions, beliefs, and race. 
Mothers are made up of different things and sometimes there are things that a child does not like.  As time passes, the child grows and matures.   They become a Mother.  Through the experiences of being a Mother, a different light is shed upon their views, as Mothers. I know it did for me.

My Mother loved me with such ease.  She loved me with so much patience and care.  My Mother's love never wavered as long as I can remember.  This is a 'Mother' well worth celebrating much more than once a year. 

I salute all Mothers this 'Mother's Day'.  I ask you to join me in reflecting on 'Your Mother' and as 'A Mother' in celebration, with thankfulness and a conviction for us to be the best Mothers we can be.  When we become a Mother, it is an ever ending journey.  I am thankful for my Mother and to have been blessed to have become a Mother.

This is, perhaps, one reason that Mother's Day is celebrated every year.  It takes a lifetime to truly feel the scope of what a true Mother's love is and the responsibility it holds in life and living of a child.

I was blessed to have a wonderful Mother.  As we reflect on this Mother's Day, I would like to share some of my thoughts, in loving memory, of my Mother.
                                                             Happy Mother's Day
                                                       In loving memory of my Mother

                                           This coming Sunday is 'Mother's Day'!
                                                       Marked on the calendar as such.
                                            Does it really matter to celebrate this day, Yes!
                                               Mothers are priceless and loved, very much.

                                                      Memories take me back to my Mother.
                              You could look the world over and none like her would you find.
                                        My Mother had a gift; 'a way of life Mother', so to speak.
                                      She went beyond the scope of caring but she didn't mind.

                                         My Mother laughed and had a great sense of humor.
                                           She joined hearts together in a quiet and simply way.
                                                   Her love will always linger in memory
                                               with her family and many friends, every day.

                                             She was a Mother without reservations
                                               in anything and everything through her love.
                                                It didn't matter if it was a big or small task
                                        true colors of love came forth as in the symbol of a dove.

                                                          She always had a smile for others
                                                            beyond the scope of her family.
                                                       She was the 'peace-keeper' to many
                                                 in a way that she didn't want any flatter.

                                            My Mother was all about peace and love
                                             with all people and anything that she touched.
                                            She is a Mother to treasure through memories
                                                    and I will treasure, forever, very much. 

                                                     Copyrighted by Doris Swertfeger 2013 

Loving Memories

Until next time,
God Bless


  1. I have the same feeling as she was my Mother also however, I could not or ever will be able to express it in such beautiful words as you have. Beautiful Dear Sister!!!

  2. Dixie, Thank you so much! Yes, we were blessed with a 'WONDERFUL MOTHER!


I appreciate your comments. Thanks, Doris