Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hello Friends,


Problems are inevitable on our journey.  Every problem can teach us something.
They can transform us little by little into the masterpiece that the Lord created us to be.
Or, by our choices, they can be stumbling blocks by which we fall when we react with distrust, defiance and lack of hope. 

Believing comes from the very depths of who we are.  When we believe, it comes from our heart, not our head.  As we look at our loved ones, do we want to embrace them and do we want to be with them?  Of course, we do. Do we learn from our Friends and grow with/from them?
Of course, we do.   Do we not, think and pray for them that we will grow in His Love and fellowship with our Friends for the good of everyone?  I do!  So, I feel it is fair to say that we become a better person/persons when we bond and stay close to our friends.  Would you not agree?  Why else would we want to be with them, embrace them, and give thanks for them.

Friends are gifts from our heavenly Father, our Lord, our God, a higher power and/or whomever you believe in your heart that provides all things in this world, to those that choose to accept.  This ultimate belief that we know in our hearts that friends nurtures us and allows us to be a better person for ourselves and others is truly a gift.  

Have we ever thought of Thanking our Heavenly Father for OUR PROBLEMS?  NOT SO MUCH, I am sure.  Well, let me share a little of my story that gave me pause to do just that.
I Thanked God for my Problems! 

You must understand as you are reading my posts that I will repeat myself in various ways from time to time.  And, I give myself permission to do this because this is my story and it is very difficult to have everything in order over a 20 plus years.  So, bear with me.  I am just a simple person, remember me stating this in my profile? This is all relevant.

I shared with you that I had a 'near death experience' in the 1990's.  So much pain, stress and what I had thought and felt was a 'world of hurt' in my life over the past two years of my RSDS/CRPS, I had awaken from a 'near death experience'.  The first thing that went through my mind was: 'where am I and what am I doing here'.  I had been in this wonderful vibrant place of colors, light and a sense of  'awe'.  I looked around and saw a doctor standing over me, oxygen on my face, an IV tubing in my arm and I knew just one thing; I didn't want to be in this place!  After recovering from that episode and some very difficult days that followed, I truly started questioning where God was and why in the world he would bring me back to this! 

Soon afterwards,  with help from others, mostly from an awesome pastor, I searched, prayed, listened and chose to rethink and discern that God must have a reason for allowing me to go through these experiences.  Many reasons, in fact.  One, He had allowed RSD to become a part of my life.  Secondly, He allowed me to go through the 'near death experience' and thirdly, He allowed me to return back from the 'near death experience' for a reason. 

Instead of my becoming angry with God, which I did for quite a while, I chose to focus on the positive and would 'counteract' every negative thought that came into my mind with a positive thought.  I was making better choices each day and as I did this day after day, I begin to BELIEVE in my heart, not my head, that there was a mission for my life right where I was. 

I believed in my heart that 'God allowed in His Wisdom What He Could Have Easily Prevented in His Power.'  This quote is by Graham Cooke and I cannot take credit for it but when I read this, I believed/believe in my heart that this was/is my mission.

If I had never traveled this path without RSDS/CRPS, (a problem), I BELIEVE that I would have never growth into the person that I was Divinely Meant to Be.


I will share very soon on my post: How Problems can transform into Inconveniences.

Until next time,
God Bless!

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