Friday, February 8, 2013

February 08, 2013 


It has been awhile since I posted...the time has come to pull out of the 'winter blues' and return to inspiration.  Not that this has all been negative in my absent of posting.  Everyone needs a time to 'be still and know'.  So, I will look at this as a vacation instead of one of hiding and the winter blues.

You can just ask my friends and neighbors, I am still around but the better choice sometimes come when one is a bit more quiet in the public eye.  This is my theory, at least.

So, keep looking and checking out my blog if you are interested in what I have to pen.  Always keep in mind, I have no talent in facts that I pen.  This way nobody can look to the readings as, 'she said'.  I pen from my heart and through inspiration of my belief and experiences.

This is a beautiful day in that it has had a hint of sun shining and free of the weather elements that sometime can hamper one's travel and pleasure

Have a thankful day and God Bless you.

1 comment:

  1. Nice note to one and all!! Just stay on the sunny side of the street as spring is right around the corner.


I appreciate your comments. Thanks, Doris