Friday, December 7, 2012


December 07, 2012                      A Raindrop, A Rose, The 'Spirit'

Today is a rainy day.  Today is gloomy outdoors. Today is great for the Soil. Today is great for  the Soul.

What do these statements really mean?  Do we say things that have two meanings in our everyday journey?  Do we say things to others that seem to feel good within ourselves instead of seeing how it affects their heart and mind?  

I realize in my last post, that I stated some pointed sentences for RSDS/CRPS persons and anybody with Pain.  This is why I ponder in some of my writings for I want to be positive in the midst of  'Pain' at the same time.  On the other hand, I want to be honest in sharing my experiences and convey that my journey has not been an easy one but there can be joy and happiness in the midst of living with RSDS/CRPS.  The more I read and experience God's wonderful Grace and Love, I feel Hope in all circumstances that come my way.  And, you know, HE has promised us Hope and an everlasting Love when we trust and give ourselves to Him in all ways and in all things. 

God understands our hopes, our fears, and our temptations.  He understands what it means to be angry. He knows the heart, the conscience and our struggles.  And God has a plan that is intended for you. 

Barbara Johnson said it well as she said, "You have to look for the joy.  Look for the light of God that is hitting your life, and you will find sparkles you didn't know were there."

As we reflect on whatever one chooses to reflect on, it becomes a part of our thinking process and this reflects on ones' attitude.  During the times of my greatest RSDS/CRPS pain, I tried to focus and reflect on the positive. This was a very difficult thing to do.  Because when I hurt, all that I could think of was Pain.  It seemed to me that everything I tried to do become a domino effect on something else and this seemed to consume me.  Therefore,  after a lot of searching in many of the areas that I have already mentioned in past posts, I begin to match a negative with a positive.  Little by little, I was thinking more positive and my life was becoming more pleasant for me and the people around me.  I was coping with my Pain much better.  Does it take the pain away? Not totally, but it does help one to cope differently and it allows God's love to be felt in a way that gives one hope and love.  This, in itself, helps anybody in any circumstance. 

The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; the God of my strength, in whom I will trust.  2 Samuel 22:2-3 NKJV

In closing, I will share one of my poems that I wrote during a time in my life God revealed to me Hope in that all things are divinely meant to be for a reason.  The poem reveals that sometimes things that we think, feel, see and say is in the eyes of the beholder.  This will make a big difference in how we relate and react to others.  May we all be sensitive in giving and receiving in helping ourselves and others on this journey of life and how we choose to live it. We are all God's children.
                 'A RAINDROP, A ROSE, THE SPIRIT'

                        Is a Raindrop just a raindrop?
                        Is a Rose just a rose?
                        God is the great creator,
                        Or is this just something we've been told?    

                        Loving  words doesn't cost us a cent
                       As we journey up the hill of life.
                       All human kin become stronger
                       And braver for the strife.

                       A heart full of thankfulness,
                       A patient trust with one another.
                       A soul of simple hopefulness
                       Join us 'one in spirit', like no other.
                       It doesn't take very much to touch one.
                       Sometimes it's just, 'being YOU'
                       That warms the heart of another
                       And brings forth new hope in them and you, too.

                       Is a Raindrop just a raindrop and is a Rose just a rose?
                       Or, will they thrive and never be in vain?
                       Perhaps, the person we are meant to become
                       Will unfold and all mankind will gain.

                       May we take the time to speak a loving word?
                       Maybe it will linger in one's mind.
                       Like unspoken dreams will never grow old.
                       Loving words will gather others of its' kind.

                       To know in one's heart
                       'All is well', 'in thou soul' and in the night. 
                       To vision---'the infinite',
                       There can be no lovelier sight.

                                   2003 copyright Doris Swertfeger                                                 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely Doris! Your blog has come so far. Great job and good going.


I appreciate your comments. Thanks, Doris