Friday, November 23, 2012


September 11, 2012 1:28 PM

I find myself reviewing my journey of RSDS as a 'Disease'. And, as I continue 'my journey' from days, to months, to years now, I find different words to describe RSDS other than a Disease. It is a Dis-ease, it is an inconvenience, it is 'a teacher', it has been sent my way for a reason.

One can label it whatever they would like. Since I will only share from my experiences, I can share that I have heard many cliches over time. It doesn't matter at the end of the day what you call it! It is real and becomes a part of your life, forever, in some fashion!

It is in my world and in many others across this land. And, I truly believe in my heart and mind that it is 'IN THE 'DIVINE PLAN',THEREFORE, THERE IS PURPOSE'.

This brings me to a gift that God has given to me in this very statement of what I have just penned. HE gave me His Love, His Peace, His Hope and His Grace in allowing me an avenue through HIM to cope and reflect on His Love and Healing Power and Poetry was born during this very painful trying time. Now, how could this be?

I will try to explain this through one of my first writings as I was flying in an airplane on my way back from Houston, Texas in 1989. It was a beautiful day and my first ever airplane flight. I was flying alone. My neighbor was so kind to drive me down to her second home in Texas but she wasn't coming home for months. I had a ten year old daughter to care for back home. I was hurting, I was scared, I was alone or so I thought. The following writing will explain to you as to how my 'Real Journey on Purpose' began.


I found a 'little friend' that day high up in the sky. I pulled out a white piece of paper and sketched a little girl, she didn't look like much of worth with laces loose in her shoes. She looked scared and at a loss as if she didn't know what to do. But all at once she looked up at me so humble and didn't bat an eye. She only put her arms around me and told me there is 'HOPE'. 'Hang on tight' and never let go of the 'Golden Rope of Hope'. I shared how scared I was and didn't know what to do but she assured me with 'HOPE' we would see this through.

This awakening experience that was unfolding before my eyes revealed to me that in His Divine Plan, there is Purpose. HE had sent me 'HOPE'!

HOPE reminds me that all things happen for good when we reflect upon our 'hope' in the Divine. We can choose to go within our very being and tap into our resources to live our life to the fullest in a way that is 'divinely' meant to be.

The writings you will read and some of my experiences put into poetry are from my heart to your heart. I share in hope to touch another in their heart's mission to help them find 'HOPE' and 'Healing' through their experiences, too.

I thank God for entrusting the blessings and challenges in my journey that have been divinely planned for me.

I wish to thank the many people that have helped me stay focused to always have 'HOPE' in my vision to seek the ultimate purpose. I firmly believe 'IN THE DIVINE PLAN', THERE IS PURPOSE! I invite you to continue walking with me as I share 'my journey' in The Wonderment of Life'. God Bless You.

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