Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Today we have a right to 'vote'.........God help us all......

TODAY IS ELECTION DAY!  MY, MY, HOW DIFFERENT THIS ELECTION IS COMPARED TO ANY, EVER BEFORE!  Of course, only 'HUMANS' can vote.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if 'humans' could be more 'united'?    
Perhaps, sharing a little of 'nature' in the mix of things will bring a smile or two.   

I usually do not write, speak and/or even share about politics.  I do not like any part of them.
Wow, how times have changed from years ago in how 'politics'/'elections' are viewed, handled
and are represented FOR THE GOOD OF OUR U.S.A .  

Today, I have chosen to say one thing.  Regardless of any ones' 'opinion', 'belief' and 'right';
that person 'owns' it.  So, depending on how 'ANY PERSON' has chosen to exercise 'their right',
in my opinion; 'their space' should be respected..  NOBODY HAS 'A RIGHT' to condemn, judge,
act out in any harmful way. 

I feel the same about one's belief, as well.  It is so comforting to know that what other people think isn't 'any of my business'.  What a 'freeing feeling'.  I can say that this is a place that has taken me years to arrive to. 

As I woke this morning, I thought, "Wow, God sure has a busy day TODAY!"  And, on second thought, I thought, No, He doesn't; He already knows His people in every way.  He sees and He  knows the bigger picture.  Plus, He has given His people the 'free will' to choose their 'right to vote'.  It is time for 'the  people' to act out 'their belief/right/opinion through this 'voting process'.  

The days that follow into years to come, long after 'my generation' has passed, will have a lingering effect of today's election.  

May each person that chooses to vote to the persons that have chosen 'not to vote'; may ALL have made their 'decision' based with worthwhile thought and prayer for the 'right and real reasons'; 'FOR THE GOOD OF OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN, and the entire USA.'

Until next time.
God Bless


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