I remember years ago that it only takes one person to make one feel important or as important as the next person.
In my experience, it was my twin sister. My mother would always, always treat us as equals. Most twins, as with any sibling, have different personalities. But, somehow with twins, one might think that they are alike in more ways than they really are. In my case, my twin sister was the extrovert and I was the introvert. So, since we would do most things at a certain age, this would sometimes create a conflict. One particular time sticks out to me. It was when we were at the age to begin driving a car. Mother would let us take turns driving around in our driveway. Mother's plan was to take equal turns. However, my twin sister would want to take more turns in a roll and I would tell her that was ok, to go ahead. But, our Mother would speak up and say that it was only fair to share equally.
I share this little story with you to express how important I think it is for everyone of us to Be a Source of Encouragement. My sister was just expressing who she was and so was I. However, when it happens even in times of innocence, it is still vital to be there for another to speak up with words of encouragement.
My Mother was being a Source of Encouragement. You know, as parents, we do this all of the time or so we think/hope that we do. But I feel it is very important to be a Source of Encouragement to another in all walks of life.
I have never taken my Mother's Source of Encouragement lightly. It has helped mold me into the person that I am today. She was a great Source of Encouragement in our families' lives and many others. I thank God for allowing me to have a mother as she was to me.
I will conclude my post today with words of wisdom from the following.
Flowers give Encouragement |
Always stay connected to people and seek out things that bring you joy. Barbara Johnson
A single word, if spoken in a friendly spirit, may be sufficient to turn one from dangerous error. Fanny Crosby
The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, or the kindly smile, or the joy of companionship. It is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him with his friendship. Corrie ten Boom
It is when we come to a 'higher power' of belief in our nothingness, our powerlessness and our helplessness that He than enables us to live in a way which, without Him, would be absolutely impossible. Elisabeth Elliot
Today is mine. Tomorrow is none of my business. If I peer anxiously into the fog of the future, I will strain my eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of me now. Elisabeth Elliott
Cheerfulness is its own reward---but not its only reward. Criswell Freeman
Be so preoccupied with 'good-will' that you haven't room for 'ill will'. E. Stanley Jones
The attitude of kindness is everyday stuff like a great pair of sneakers. Not frilly. Not fancy. Just plain and comfortable. Barbara Johnson
All kindness and good deeds, are better kept silent. The result will be an inner reservoir of personality power. Catherine Marshall
Yesterday is just experience but tomorrow is glistening with purpose---and today is the channel leading from one to the other. Barbara Johnson
Little things in life give Encouragement |
Kindness in this world will do much to help others, not only in happiness and joy, but also to grow in grace day by day. Would it not be great, if every day could be a cause for celebration? By celebrating the gift of life, we can protect our hearts from the dangers of pessimism, regret, hopelessness, and bitterness.
Kind words have echoes that last a lifetime and beyond.
We all have much to be thankful for.
Until next time
God Bless