Tuesday, February 26, 2013

  1. To begin is to start.
  2. Any dream will do.
  3. Do at least one thing for somebody else today.
  4. Write down at least five things that you are thankful for today.
  5. Write a list of your greatest concerns and counter it with at least five things that would help those concerns with something that YOU can do to help them.
  6. Call at least one friend today.  You don't have to feel like it but if/when you call them, you will feel better afterwards and you will make their day, too.  Trust me.
  7. Be sure to be activity today in some fashion, even if it hurts to do it. 
  8. 'Time' your nap if you take one during the day. Too much sleep can cause issues later.
  9. Listen to music or a tape of biofeedback to help divert your pain.  It can release endorphins and this relieves pain.
  10. Never, ever give up.  Remember there is only one way for you to travel....and that is forward.  There is no turning back.
  11. Know that you are an important person and somebody needs you to feel better.  When you can't/don't want to keep trying, do it for somebody else that you care for.  It is much easier to focus on a loved one than yourself in moving forward with purpose. 

These are just a few things that I have found that help me.  And, remember, persons with
RSDS/CRPS aren't the only persons that can use these tools to help their pain, whether it be a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual pain.  We all experience pain in some fashion.  I hope this will help somebody out there that might be reading this. 

I feel that we don't have the answers to many concerns of this world but it always helps to share and support one another on the journey we are traveling.  Our journey might have different paths and, perhaps, detours but we can all join together in carrying a bit of the other's when theirs is a bit more heavy than our own. 

Each day our percentage of help, hurt, support, love, hope, trust will vary.  It is nice to know that we all have one another's back equally at the end of the day.  Let's never forget that we can be better when we join together in comparison trying to walk this human journey alone.  It was never meant to be but the joining of friend, family and hearts were.   Let's march forward with this in mind and never turn back to the 'what ifs'. 

Yesterday is just experience but tomorrow is glistening with purpose--and today is the channel
leading from one to another.  Barbara Johnson

Until next time.
God Bless.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Today is another day to enjoy, appreciate and be thankful in many ways.  

Let's all strive to have a better day in our hearts.  .  Each day we can strive to grow and learn and find peace in the midst of any storm.  And, if we can bond together and support one another, we will feel the glimmer of this Rainbow of Love.

I am going to list a few statements that certainly wasn't created by me.  However, I feel it is good to reflect on Things That Make Us Go Hmmmm!

  • To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.
  • Sometimes the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side.
  • Life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% of how you respond to it.
  • Real friends are those who, when you feel you've made a fool of yourself, don't feel you've done a permanent job.
  • Life is like an onion; you peel off one layer at a time and sometimes you weep.
  • There are two things I've learned: There is a God.  And, I'm not  Him.
  • Following the path of least resistance is what makes rivers and men crooked.
  • Learn from the mistakes of others.  You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.
  • Lead your life so you won't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
  • Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace.
  • When it comes time to die...make sure all you got to do is die.
  • Going to church does not make you a Christian anymore than going to McDonald's makes you a hamburger.
  • People gather bundles of sticks to build bridges they never cross.
  • I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to.
  • Did it ever occur to you that nothing occurs to God?
  • A coincidence is when God performs a miracle, and decides to remain anonymous.
Until next time,  remember we are all in this together. 
God Bless!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 23, 2013


I find a need to clarify my writings regarding RSDS/CRPS.  FIRST, and far most, my wish is for anybody reading my posts to realize that anything on my posts are coming from my view and experiences.  My only intent in taking this leap of faith in sharing, as I am not usually this bold in the public eye, is my hope to help somebody in some way. 

As one reads my posts, they will read many emotions and ups and downs regarding this condition called RSDS/CRPS.  I pen as I think, feel and have experienced at variable times during these 25 years that I have been diagnosed with RSDS/CRPS.

This last post where I penned the poem RSDS/CRPS PERSONS were written from the view of a person that has been going through terrific pain and this is their thoughts and feelings expressed.  The latter part of the poem is written from the view and feelings from a person that has RSDS/CRPS but has allowed it to become a part of their life and have learned skills and is leaning on a higher power than themselves to cope.  They are living a life that they see is worth while and on purpose. 

I will not linger in my clarifications of the posts but just wanted to share this as there might be persons out there reading these and have a misunderstanding of the intent in my heart as to why/what I am writing.  I feel this is worthwhile in penning because I do not want to leave any room for any help to be missed or interruption in the flow of my intent. 

Life is better or worse many times in the way we make our choices and accept what we have no control over.  I feel when we are willing to always and ever think and act beyond ourselves and look for ways to help others in the process of living, the rest will fall into place.  Hopefully, at the end of our journey, we will have come full circle.

Have a thankful day. I know that I am.
God Bless!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 23, 2013


This is a beautiful sunny day!  We have been blessed to have had fairly good weather this winter season. 

And, I can say the same for health in various persons that I have been around and with these past several weeks.  And, this we are grateful for.

However, I have talked to several persons that know somebody who have RSDS/CRPS.  And, they are not feeling so well this week.  Again, a fall or injury has either started or flared up their RSDS/CRPS.  This is a condition that gives no regard to the spinal cord and blood flow to one's body. 

As I was listening to their stories this week and praying for them, I felt blessed that my RSDS/CRPS is calm at this time.  A few weeks ago, I could not say this.  Remember, trauma is what will bring the RSDS/CRPS to the surface. It will lay dormant and come in great surprise as a snake would come forth from under something. I had some inflammation in several areas of my body and it has gone on now for approximately five months.  This is trauma to RSDS/CRPS persons.  So, this causes 'PAIN'.

Persons with RSDS/CRPS refer to different terms in describing this condition and referring to the persons that have it.  One lady refers to RSDS/CRPS persons as, 'sufferers', another one refers to us as 'people', another refers us as, 'patients'. 
I like to refer us as, persons.  We are still the person that we were before we were diagnosed with RSDS/CRPS.  We don't refer persons with any others condition as 'sufferers'.  Would we call a person with 'cancer' a 'sufferer'?  I would not.  I would refer to a person with cancer as a person.  I feel that when we label persons even if it comes from the 'person' who has the condition that it somehow reflects a disease that is heavy and that is what we see when we see them or hear anything about them.  Their name is mentioned and we think: 'sufferer', 'patient', 'disease' or something in this regard.

All persons that have a condition and there aren't too many people out there that doesn't have one thing or another that is not from birth.  It is something that they have developed or come their way that is a condition that they learn to cope and live with.  So, why should RSDS/CRPS persons be any different? 

I do feel that  RSDS/CRPS does need to be brought forth more in the media and medical arena to help and support persons with this condition.  However, to label them isn't my view of support in a way that I can see or sense.  We are persons with a 'DIS-EASE'.  Yes, a dis-ease in our bodies that need to be recognized, treated and supported.  We need to learn skills and tools to help us cope and in turn ease our pain and help ourselves and help others.  This is a journey that was chosen for us and not the other way around.  However,  I feel if we do not strive to 'be on purpose', we somehow have fallen short of the mission that was entrusted to us. This is just how I feel personally.

I have chosen to close my posting today with a poem that I penned this a.m. 
So, until next time, remember that we are all in this together and we are family in a way that interlocks us in an unfamiliar path from persons that do not have RSDS/CRPS.  However, I feel we are persons that can/will cope for the good of ourselves and others if we receive the proper support, an awareness and treatment that we all deserve.  Let's lock together as a team and share from our hearts.

As I penned this RSDS/CRPS poem, it was just after I heard from an RSDS person that is hurting and very depressed so I penned views from a 'person' that is in pain and a 'person' that has RSD but isn't hurting as much as the other person at this time.  Our emotions frustrates
from time to time and I feel it is important to keep that in mind as we support one another.

The RSDS/CRPS poem will follow soon.

God Bless, Doris

Friday, February 8, 2013

February 08, 2013 


It has been awhile since I posted...the time has come to pull out of the 'winter blues' and return to inspiration.  Not that this has all been negative in my absent of posting.  Everyone needs a time to 'be still and know'.  So, I will look at this as a vacation instead of one of hiding and the winter blues.

You can just ask my friends and neighbors, I am still around but the better choice sometimes come when one is a bit more quiet in the public eye.  This is my theory, at least.

So, keep looking and checking out my blog if you are interested in what I have to pen.  Always keep in mind, I have no talent in facts that I pen.  This way nobody can look to the readings as, 'she said'.  I pen from my heart and through inspiration of my belief and experiences.

This is a beautiful day in that it has had a hint of sun shining and free of the weather elements that sometime can hamper one's travel and pleasure

Have a thankful day and God Bless you.