Sunday, June 5, 2016

"Butterflies' Paradigm"

'Butterflies on a Mission'

"Butterflies' Paradigm"

Tiny, fragile, beautiful golden butterflies
offer many folk great pleasure and smiles.
Their beauty reflects uniqueness.
They travel daily, miles and miles.

Butterflies cannot be concerned of their journey.
Nonetheless, no reason to be sad and such.
They offer joy, while fulfilling their mission in pollination,
allowing 'beauty in flowers, plus, 'good feelings' to those they touch.

Sometimes in their leaving, it seems a hindrance to the flowers.
Their mission they follow as the creator designed, 'one way'.
Perhaps, they are an example for our reflection and understanding.
They could open us up to 'new insight and hope' - - - 'doorways'.

Incredible 'Windows of Opportunities' are given
when our hearts are open for growth in our tomorrows.
They can reflect motivation and purpose to all of us.
Similarly as the butterflies' mission journey are to the flowers.

Faithfully, as we accept our challenges as 'learning possibilities',
may we take them in stride without listening to ... 'Tick Tock, Tick Tock'?
This is when we are truly 'living with perseverance in love
for ourselves and others' ... I kid 'you not'.

                                                                                         by Doris Swertfeger
Until next time.
God Bless