Saturday, April 23, 2016

'The Family of the Heart'

                             'The Family of the Heart'

The 'Family of the Heart' includes all people
that stand in a loving relationship to one another. 
Where care, concern, communication, hope and love is an art,
that becomes 'a way of life' to our sisters and brothers.

Plus, when we live consciously and grant freedom, equally, to all people,
as we would wish for ourselves to receive,
to hear with our hearts and not our ears only,
with a willingness and compassion to perceive.

It is in the small things done with full-hearted concentration
that we 'find freedom' and 'feel peace' and 'love'.
A way of bonding with each other is woven
that allows the spirit to flow from above. 

Also, when we truly love our neighbor as ourselves,
we 'are offering' every action to be something beautiful and kind.
The 'family of the heart' permits reverence in all of life relationships
for the joining of hearts and minds.

There is no value in pain and confusion as one might think.
The value lies in the rearrangement of the elements
that will lead to clearer vision for all.
This is 'a process' to 'channel our energy into love' for access to 'the real'
that 'keeps us on purpose', of our 'destiny call'. 

The 'awareness of unknowing', creates 'hope' and 'faith' in life itself.
We all sense the mystery and wonderment of life. 
Less we have no risk, grief, pain, nor loss,
it would take away the 'teachers of strife'. 

As we listen with 'our hearts', we can discern 'a higher power' presence,
affording strength to carry us far.
This opens the channels for 'healing and wholeness',
to unfold to 'all people' today and all of our tomorrows. 

                                                                                        by Doris Swertfeger

Until next time

Friday, April 22, 2016

''Hope Pebbles'

Sometimes in life we are given 'a valley' to cross.
All of us have a a 'story' we could tell.
Instead of a 'valley', we could call it a 'hill'.
Does either of these ring a bell?

Let us reflect, if you will, in our present, past or future.
Perhaps, when in focus, we could also see 'sunshine rays'.
The hills and valleys thin out in our awareness.
Now we can see more clearly, solid ground, replaces each day.

As I look back from hence I have come.
I can see little ripples of 'ups and downs'.
This leads me to believe as I count them,
those were 'hope pebbles' leading me to 'solid ground'.

There was 'incredible hope and promise' in places, I had not yet seen.
Answered prayer, the beauty of nature's renewal of Spring, brightened my day.
There was a lingering in 'awe' of 'amazing miracles' in the midst of this sight.
This allowed me to see 'beyond myself' with 'hope', a much better way.

Let us remember as we walk this 'journey in life',
there isn't anything that can ever be beyond our 'maker's' reach.
By choice, we can focus on 'hope pebbles', as stepping stones,
to guide us to 'solid ground' of 'faith' to give us a peaceful belief. 
                                                                            by Doris Swertfeger  '2016

Until next time