Monday, February 23, 2015



This winter has been one to surprise us at times, elate the children at times with no school and fun outdoors.  This winter has been one to feel 'blessed'; depending on which state one lives in.  What is the saying?  If you think you have reason to complain, just look around and one will see others with many more trials and tribulations.

In saying all of this, I think it is important to note that we are all 'human beings', as well.  And we have feelings and everything is reverent.  So, it might be better to pull back a bit and 'balance' out our thoughts and understanding in all areas of concern and blessings.  It might help spread a bit more harmony, inch by inch, for all human kin. One might think; well, how can we do this?
There is always and ever something getting in our way of our efforts.  One might say that it is easy for you to say but you just do not understand!  No, we don't understand each persons' valley, trials and struggles; however, by choice, we know 'the concept' of living more humble, being more kind, allowing others to find their way and accept responsibility, to master.  It is important to learn ones' boundaries and follow ones' heart.  

It seems that 'the weather' gets in our way in our actions, our thoughts, our moods and our attitudes.  I wonder how that can be since 'weather' has no emotions?  If we say that 'weather' gets in our way; could we say that 'our job', or 'our family', or 'anything else' that we find effects our daily living?  Less we forget, the process of learning and growing never ends when one becomes a certain age.  It is a life-long journey.

Perhaps,  it always and ever will come back to 'our hearts' and in how we handle 'the weather', 'our family', 'our job' and/or 'any circumstance' that might come our way?  And, there are times that we can handle and adjust to 'life's challenges' better.  On a 'Sunny Day', it seems life is more gentle to us.  Whatever might nourish our 'nerves' to better handle life and living, may all of us seek those 'little perks' and in addition to God's promise to never put on us more than we can bear.  Resting in a 'higher power' than ours, will always see us through and give us a peace beyond ourselves.  'Thankfulness is like a medicine' as 'a hug is from your child/grandchild'.  It can always give one comfort, humility and strength to move forward and onward to better days. Where there is 'thankfulness' and where there is 'love', life is good!

Listed below are a few quotes from great leaders by Peggy Anderson

"The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time."  by Abraham Lincoln

"Life is a series of experiences, each of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this.  For the world was built to develop character and we must learn the setbacks and the griefs which we endure help us in our marching onward."  by Henry Ford

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." by Mother Teresa

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal:  It is the courage to continue that counts." by Winston Churchill

Until next time
God Bless