Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Happy New Year....Reflection is good....'2019....'Time' to move on....

Happy New Year...Reflection is good......2019 ....'Time' to move on. 

So many times we reflect on the past year and think and/or express such words as; 'I wish that I would have',  'New Year, I am going to', 'If I was younger', 'if I had it all to do over'.  
Any of these sound familiar?  No doubt, at least one.  

As the 2020 New Year begins, I pray every one of us will start it with a renewed hope, love and trust in ourselves and in others.  Above all else, I pray we will seek a 'renewed awareness' in our Lord and Savior. 

I am going to list a few 'thoughts' of thinkers and 'statements' that might be fun to take a look at.  Perhaps, some would like to 'ponder' a few of them for encouragement and reflection in approaching a better start into the New Year.  Or, some might just enjoy reading and moving on.  
To those of you who do not like such readings; perhaps, this post is not for you.  Everyone of us is unique and different.  This is to be respected, as well. 

Happy New Year to one and all that might read this post.  I want to take this opportunity to 'thank everyone who has taken the time to read my posts this past year'.  I hope in some small way that I have penned something that has helped or encouraged in some small way.  As I pen in a blog such as this, there is no way of knowing how these writings touch another.  Always and ever, I am taking a leap of faith in my sharing.  As I was reminded by a 'kind friend' this past year; it might be a word, a phrase or something in a poem or reading that might speak to someone through the Spirit.  This would be  refreshing, two fold.  

We are ALL valuable links in 'the chain of life'.  Let us strive to support each link, as we realize; 'WE' are only as strong as our weakness link.
                                         Thanks, love, peace, hope, grace and blessings to all!

Until next time, 
God Bless

Thursday, December 25, 2014

MERRY CHRISTMAS ..... 'The Beauty in Nature says a Thousand Words'




The Birth of Jesus was just the beginning of 'our everything' 

May we all treasure this 'Christmas Day' in all that we do in Love and Thanks!
Happy Birthday, Jesus!  

Until next time

Thursday, December 4, 2014

'The Simple Blessings of Christmas'

'The Simple Blessings of Christmas'

There is no doubt about it now, Christmas holidays are in full swing, and it is up to each of us
to proclaim and celebrate the real 'reason for the season'.  Most everyone finds themselves in the decorations, the shopping, the to-do lists and on and on.  

In our economy of such different interests in different generations, it is difficult sometimes to express our love in a way that is 'a memory of love' that surrounds this wonderful holiday blessing that was given to us many years ago through the birth of Jesus.  Even in light of different beliefs and thoughts of what this time of the year truly means, the authenticity of this
Holy time of the year is crowded with 'things'.   For lack of a better word, I still think this might describe the truth more than we would like to think about.  Perhaps, it would be helpful to reflect and look at this Christmas Season in a more enjoyable and meaningful way this year. 
Could we refocus and enjoy this 'Christmas Season' in a better light?  We have 21 days to try. 

The subject that I have chosen for this post, The Simple Blessings of Christmas', is one that is often dismissed in our minds in the rush of 'things'.  We are in a hurry to get everything in order as we have planned every year or think that we should have in the very same fashion.   Well, every Christmas, we much do this or that because 'this' is what we have always done.  Perhaps, it would be helpful to look at 'this'.  What is 'this' that we must be about?  Are we enjoying what we have done for years because we had done it the year before and the year before that?  

As I was reflecting on Christmas this year, my thoughts reflected on the 'Reason for the Season'.  The Simple Blessings of Christmas came to mind.  Christmas has always and, I pray, always will be about 'Love'.  How simple is this?  'Love' isn't running ones legs off to go shopping.  'Love' isn't spending money that one doesn't have or should not be spending and 'Love' isn't fretting about this and that before Christmas Day arrives.  So, since we have looked at what 'Love' isn't, perhaps, it would be helpful to look at what 'Love' is.  

'The Simple Blessings of Christmas'
'Love' to me is 'simple'.  It is caring and sharing and giving ones time and communicating in harmony.  'Love' is giving thanks and appreciating all of the blessings that we have been given. 'Love' is kind.  'Love' doesn't  cost money.  'Love' is a gift that keeps on giving after Christmas has passed.  'Love' is remembering our family and friends with a hug, phone call and/or a greeting card.  'Love' is saying; I'm sorry and I love you. 'Love' can be as simple as 'listening'. 'Love' is being thankful for 'Jesus' Birthday on Christmas Day.   This is the 'reason for the season'.  Simply said:  We love YOU, we Thank YOU and we Celebrate Jesus' birth on Christmas Day. 

Until next time
God Bless 