Saturday, September 13, 2014

'What Can 'Words' Do To Us......Do They Really Matter and Can They Make a Difference?'

They Are Only 'Words'. 

If any of the following 'words' were said directly to you, would it really matter or make a difference to you? 

I have no doubt that 'Words' can hurt.  However, I know from experience that 'Words' can make a difference in many lives.  Some 'Words' can be negative and some 'Words' can be positive.  One can sense and see how they can/do.  

The bigger inquiry at the end of the day might be:


'What Can 'Words' Do To Us ... Do They Really Matter and Can They Make a Difference?'  
This question is for each individual to choose.   The choice could affect many an individual in each of our lives. 

Until next time
God Bless

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

'Ability, Motivation and Attitude'

'Ability, Motivation and Attitude' might be some tricky adjectives when we think about them. 
Each one unfolds into another when we act upon them.  This is when we feel and know we are all connected.

Before we look at the definition of them, let's look at a few loving animals that illustrate so much in their actions.    
'Just Peeping in to say hello' 
'Good to see you today'
'Can I help you?'
Ability is what we're capable of doing.  Motivation determines what we do. Attitude determines how well we do it. 

'Thanks ---we are in this together'

Until next time
God Bless

Thursday, September 4, 2014

'The Meaning of the Dandelion Story'

'The Meaning of the Dandelion Story'.  Have you ever read or heard about 'The Meaning of the Dandelion Story'? 
I found there are several meanings and thoughts of what it is. Could it have a different meaning to the reader or from a person that is viewing it from their own experiences?  Just a thought. 

I like stories that are based from ones experiences.  Indeed, the stories will be different.  I have decided to share 'The Meaning of The Dandelion Story' from different individual's views.  I will be sharing from the view of strangers from my readings, one from someone who is very dear to me and my version as I view from my heart.

I chose this writing today on the 'heels' of the last post that I had written because I feel they have a 'connection'.  As you read this, I think you will agree. 

The 'humble dandelion' has accumulated a wealth of symbolic meanings; from the medieval Christian times, which saw it representing the dissemination of the teachings of Christ, to the paintings in which the dandelion symbolized the transitory nature of human life.  The Romany culture sees it as a symbol of fertility and abundance.  The dozens of seeds released by each flower, illustrate 'letting go and starting something new'.  
When a child blows at the seed puffball, they make a wish for something better, so the dandelion has come to symbolize faithfulness, happiness and desire.

This is a wonderful way to look at our experiences as loved ones grow into maturity. It is time for them to leave and go out into the world to reach their goals and dreams.  A time to wish them a beautiful journey as they leave 'the dandelion root' 'experiences of wonder', from hence they have come.

We all have a dream and a purpose. Sometimes we have to let go of our friends, family and places we have been. In this process of fulfilling our purpose, the blowing away of the petals, is our moving on to different places doing amazing things.  Even though we are not with our friends, we know that they are a part of us because we came from the same flower/place.  'The scattering of the petals' represent our going out into the world separating from our base of friends and continuing our purpose in life. 

So, the next time we look at a 'dandelion flower', we might want to be a bit 'more gentle' and 'child like' remembering the full meaning of what the dandelion represents.  Each stage is vital, each stage has beauty and each stage is a 'healthy place' to be.  The healthy ones will always and ever know and realize 'from hence they have come' and be better because of it. They are in the process of 'becoming and fulfilling their purpose'. 

Until next time
God Bless