Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Happy New Year....Reflection is good....'2019....'Time' to move on....

Happy New Year...Reflection is good......2019 ....'Time' to move on. 

So many times we reflect on the past year and think and/or express such words as; 'I wish that I would have',  'New Year, I am going to', 'If I was younger', 'if I had it all to do over'.  
Any of these sound familiar?  No doubt, at least one.  

As the 2020 New Year begins, I pray every one of us will start it with a renewed hope, love and trust in ourselves and in others.  Above all else, I pray we will seek a 'renewed awareness' in our Lord and Savior. 

I am going to list a few 'thoughts' of thinkers and 'statements' that might be fun to take a look at.  Perhaps, some would like to 'ponder' a few of them for encouragement and reflection in approaching a better start into the New Year.  Or, some might just enjoy reading and moving on.  
To those of you who do not like such readings; perhaps, this post is not for you.  Everyone of us is unique and different.  This is to be respected, as well. 

Happy New Year to one and all that might read this post.  I want to take this opportunity to 'thank everyone who has taken the time to read my posts this past year'.  I hope in some small way that I have penned something that has helped or encouraged in some small way.  As I pen in a blog such as this, there is no way of knowing how these writings touch another.  Always and ever, I am taking a leap of faith in my sharing.  As I was reminded by a 'kind friend' this past year; it might be a word, a phrase or something in a poem or reading that might speak to someone through the Spirit.  This would be  refreshing, two fold.  

We are ALL valuable links in 'the chain of life'.  Let us strive to support each link, as we realize; 'WE' are only as strong as our weakness link.
                                         Thanks, love, peace, hope, grace and blessings to all!

Until next time, 
God Bless

Thursday, December 25, 2014

MERRY CHRISTMAS ..... 'The Beauty in Nature says a Thousand Words'




The Birth of Jesus was just the beginning of 'our everything' 

May we all treasure this 'Christmas Day' in all that we do in Love and Thanks!
Happy Birthday, Jesus!  

Until next time

Thursday, December 4, 2014

'The Simple Blessings of Christmas'

'The Simple Blessings of Christmas'

There is no doubt about it now, Christmas holidays are in full swing, and it is up to each of us
to proclaim and celebrate the real 'reason for the season'.  Most everyone finds themselves in the decorations, the shopping, the to-do lists and on and on.  

In our economy of such different interests in different generations, it is difficult sometimes to express our love in a way that is 'a memory of love' that surrounds this wonderful holiday blessing that was given to us many years ago through the birth of Jesus.  Even in light of different beliefs and thoughts of what this time of the year truly means, the authenticity of this
Holy time of the year is crowded with 'things'.   For lack of a better word, I still think this might describe the truth more than we would like to think about.  Perhaps, it would be helpful to reflect and look at this Christmas Season in a more enjoyable and meaningful way this year. 
Could we refocus and enjoy this 'Christmas Season' in a better light?  We have 21 days to try. 

The subject that I have chosen for this post, The Simple Blessings of Christmas', is one that is often dismissed in our minds in the rush of 'things'.  We are in a hurry to get everything in order as we have planned every year or think that we should have in the very same fashion.   Well, every Christmas, we much do this or that because 'this' is what we have always done.  Perhaps, it would be helpful to look at 'this'.  What is 'this' that we must be about?  Are we enjoying what we have done for years because we had done it the year before and the year before that?  

As I was reflecting on Christmas this year, my thoughts reflected on the 'Reason for the Season'.  The Simple Blessings of Christmas came to mind.  Christmas has always and, I pray, always will be about 'Love'.  How simple is this?  'Love' isn't running ones legs off to go shopping.  'Love' isn't spending money that one doesn't have or should not be spending and 'Love' isn't fretting about this and that before Christmas Day arrives.  So, since we have looked at what 'Love' isn't, perhaps, it would be helpful to look at what 'Love' is.  

'The Simple Blessings of Christmas'
'Love' to me is 'simple'.  It is caring and sharing and giving ones time and communicating in harmony.  'Love' is giving thanks and appreciating all of the blessings that we have been given. 'Love' is kind.  'Love' doesn't  cost money.  'Love' is a gift that keeps on giving after Christmas has passed.  'Love' is remembering our family and friends with a hug, phone call and/or a greeting card.  'Love' is saying; I'm sorry and I love you. 'Love' can be as simple as 'listening'. 'Love' is being thankful for 'Jesus' Birthday on Christmas Day.   This is the 'reason for the season'.  Simply said:  We love YOU, we Thank YOU and we Celebrate Jesus' birth on Christmas Day. 

Until next time
God Bless 

Monday, October 27, 2014


              A BEAUTIFUL FALL DAY





                                                                  by Doris Swertfeger

Until next time

Saturday, October 4, 2014

When Many Things Seem...........'Trust' and 'Give Thanks'

Wow!  Can you complete this sentence as it relates to you in your life today? 
I am sure if there were a dozen people that completed it, there just might be a dozen different
endings.  How would you complete it?  
Of course, I will never know what you would say and that is ok.  The important thing is; you know and if this would give you 'pause' and 'reflection' in today and your tomorrows, this might be a good thing.

As I pen various questions, facts, and sometimes, my personal experiences and/or opinions, I hope that it helps another in some way.  We are all here living our lives in hopes of success. Again, what is success?  This is for another day and another 'heart-felt' pause, perhaps.  We could go on forever in thought and reflection as to what each of us feel, think, believe and how we conduct our actions.  

'When Many Things Seem' to be going wrong, it might help to trust and reflect in what it is that we trust in.  When our lives feel increasingly out of control, I have found it helps me to continue to 'trust' and 'give thanks'.  Sound crazy?  Not to me it doesn't.  I have found this can lift one up above ones' circumstances.
If/when we do what is natural in the face of difficulties, we may fall prey to negativism.  Even a few complaints can set us on a path that is a downward spiral, by darkening our perspective and mind-set.

Give Thanks for everything, though this seems unnatural--even irrational.  Gradually we will begin to ascend, recovering from lost ground.  And, as we recover from our depth of doubt and walk our continual journey, we can face our circumstances from a much more humble perspective.  Through 'trusting' and 'giving thanks', we can experience an unfathomable Peace.  

Until next time
God Bless

Saturday, September 13, 2014

'What Can 'Words' Do To Us......Do They Really Matter and Can They Make a Difference?'

They Are Only 'Words'. 

If any of the following 'words' were said directly to you, would it really matter or make a difference to you? 

I have no doubt that 'Words' can hurt.  However, I know from experience that 'Words' can make a difference in many lives.  Some 'Words' can be negative and some 'Words' can be positive.  One can sense and see how they can/do.  

The bigger inquiry at the end of the day might be:


'What Can 'Words' Do To Us ... Do They Really Matter and Can They Make a Difference?'  
This question is for each individual to choose.   The choice could affect many an individual in each of our lives. 

Until next time
God Bless

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

'Ability, Motivation and Attitude'

'Ability, Motivation and Attitude' might be some tricky adjectives when we think about them. 
Each one unfolds into another when we act upon them.  This is when we feel and know we are all connected.

Before we look at the definition of them, let's look at a few loving animals that illustrate so much in their actions.    
'Just Peeping in to say hello' 
'Good to see you today'
'Can I help you?'
Ability is what we're capable of doing.  Motivation determines what we do. Attitude determines how well we do it. 

'Thanks ---we are in this together'

Until next time
God Bless

Thursday, September 4, 2014

'The Meaning of the Dandelion Story'

'The Meaning of the Dandelion Story'.  Have you ever read or heard about 'The Meaning of the Dandelion Story'? 
I found there are several meanings and thoughts of what it is. Could it have a different meaning to the reader or from a person that is viewing it from their own experiences?  Just a thought. 

I like stories that are based from ones experiences.  Indeed, the stories will be different.  I have decided to share 'The Meaning of The Dandelion Story' from different individual's views.  I will be sharing from the view of strangers from my readings, one from someone who is very dear to me and my version as I view from my heart.

I chose this writing today on the 'heels' of the last post that I had written because I feel they have a 'connection'.  As you read this, I think you will agree. 

The 'humble dandelion' has accumulated a wealth of symbolic meanings; from the medieval Christian times, which saw it representing the dissemination of the teachings of Christ, to the paintings in which the dandelion symbolized the transitory nature of human life.  The Romany culture sees it as a symbol of fertility and abundance.  The dozens of seeds released by each flower, illustrate 'letting go and starting something new'.  
When a child blows at the seed puffball, they make a wish for something better, so the dandelion has come to symbolize faithfulness, happiness and desire.

This is a wonderful way to look at our experiences as loved ones grow into maturity. It is time for them to leave and go out into the world to reach their goals and dreams.  A time to wish them a beautiful journey as they leave 'the dandelion root' 'experiences of wonder', from hence they have come.

We all have a dream and a purpose. Sometimes we have to let go of our friends, family and places we have been. In this process of fulfilling our purpose, the blowing away of the petals, is our moving on to different places doing amazing things.  Even though we are not with our friends, we know that they are a part of us because we came from the same flower/place.  'The scattering of the petals' represent our going out into the world separating from our base of friends and continuing our purpose in life. 

So, the next time we look at a 'dandelion flower', we might want to be a bit 'more gentle' and 'child like' remembering the full meaning of what the dandelion represents.  Each stage is vital, each stage has beauty and each stage is a 'healthy place' to be.  The healthy ones will always and ever know and realize 'from hence they have come' and be better because of it. They are in the process of 'becoming and fulfilling their purpose'. 

Until next time
God Bless

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Life is a Balance of Holding on and Letting Go' - With College Students and Parents in Mind

Fall is a time when life's routine changes for many household who have children.  School starts and it seems as it is just a routine of last year for a very long time.  However, it is always and ever changing because if you are a parent, you realize little by little that your child/children are growing up and the time will soon be here that they will leave what seems to be a routine of fall activities.  

It is amazing that most parents can hardly wait to see their 'little one' start kindergarten.  Wow! And, than, we see them, actually, starting the class where we can count the grades into years. Their first grade and than we look around and they are in middle school.  Not too long afterwards, here comes high school and the licenses to drive a car.  Wow!  And, in just four short years, they are graduating.  They are walking the walk where they are handed their diploma that they have worked so hard to receive.  

Than, a short summer passes by and it is time for fall, once again.  However, this time the fall brings more permanent changes than ever before.  Our child/children have reached a milestone in maturity and they are leaving the 'parent's nest of home', to enter college.  Unbelievable!  So, who is excited the most?  The parent or the child?  This is a hard one if you have ever been a parent and if you have ever experienced graduating and leaving home to go to college.  

With this in mind, I have chosen this writing for today as there are many that are experiencing similar emotions this fall. 

There are no 'pat answers' for parents and/or the child/student.  Each parent, father or mother, will have different emotions and ideas as they walk this path.  
So to all of those out there this fall, I wish you the best.  

A parent's love is like no other.  I read recently and experienced that a parent's love is always and ever.  There are no circumstances, experiences or memories that can cease the 'heart's love home' of a parent.   I realize that this might not be every parent's belief or feeling.  

For the child, it is a time to start anew in a way that they have never experienced.  It is an adventure!  It is an experience that they will never forget!  It is a place that is a privilege to have reached in their lives!  It is place that all children deserve!  It is a place that most parents long to see develop!  It is place for parent and child that represent: 'tough love'!   

As we let go of past routine and experiences and move forward; it is important for all to remember: Life is a Balance of Holding on and Letting Go.  

Until next time, 
God Bless

Monday, August 25, 2014

'The Rippling Effect is a Gift that Keeps on Giving' '

The Rippling Effect......sounds interesting, doesn't it?  I wonder what most of us see/think of when we hear these words?  Do we see water, an ocean, the wind blowing across it?  Do we think of something other than a visual scene?  Do we think of people, time or places?

There is no room for judgement in the 'purposeful day'.  However, people deserve love and freedom to choose.  However, the results at the end of the day might be different with the choices we choose.   It most likely would depend on several things.  Would it not be concluded on how we chose to reflect on our day; how we viewed the day, lived out this specific concern and/or focused as our mission?

The world of busy living has come upon most of us in one form of living or another.  Different generations have forced people to live a different life style.  Different avenues in life that involve money, careers, health, beliefs and acquaintances; all affect what we do and how we do things.

However, at the end of the day, we all have a need for food to sustain our bodies.  We all need sleep to rest/prepare our bodies to function.  Plus, we all need love, respect and communication to nurture us. Without any of these things, a person isn't as healthy and complete in a 'purposeful way for good'.

A 'purposeful way for good' is a result of 'our focusing' and a way 'we have chosen to live' out each day to help others and hopefully be a part of 'The Rippling Effect'.

It is a path that leads us to freedom and happiness.  It is the freedom of not always needing to get our own way. When we learn to live this humble lifestyle, our happiness is not dependent upon getting what we want.  It is a concept that is beautiful and freeing.  This concept allows us to put others interest first.  This is when we live more kindly.

So, as we pause and discern the meaning of what 'The Rippling Effect' means to us, it might make all the difference in the world for others and for ourselves.  'The Rippling Effect' is a gift that keeps on giving.  I wish each of us a part of what makes this 'The Rippling Effect'.  It is free and available to each one of us.....taking a little of that 'precious time' that we think we do not have can reap rewards of treasures.
 It is with this kind of  love that can change the people that make up this world.  This is 'The Rippling Effect of a Greater Love than Us'.  What do we think and see now?

Until next time,
God Bless 

Friday, August 22, 2014


Do we actually grasp how one word and/or deed affects another?
I have chosen to humbly share with you an example of this very feeling and my thoughts that I recently experienced.  Everybody projects some kind of positive and/or negative thoughts to another.  This may be in a conscious matter or it may not be mentioned or noticed from the giver or to the receptive person.  We go about our lives in a way that we do not recognize just how our actions can affect another.  Or, do we value our own self-worth in what we have to offer others through our blessings and God given talents.  We all have God given talents that we somehow either take for granted or we do not seem to think are worth sharing.  

There are people in our everyday living that sees/senses and discerns others gifts and blessings that affects another.  What if we stopped doing something because of thoughts of non-importance or mediocrity?  Do we ever fathom that we might be preventing somebody a spark of inspiration to 'even out' their day?  

Of course, life will go on without whatever it is we choose to do, say, write and/or communicate in any way.  However, if we are here to live a 'life on purpose', it does matter as to what, how and when we choose to help inspire, even, in our ordinary days of living. 

There have been two friends that reminded me of this in recent times.  One was in a casual compliment regarding a God given talent that I had taken for granted.  Another person reminded me, in a humble way, how she felt it was a shame that I had not posted on my blog in awhile.   She stated, "It is unknown (the depth of your influence) because you cannot know how many or who may stumble or be directed to your writings at a time when they may be impacted by your wisdom and the beauty of your words." 
Wow! This was humbling!  Did I feel puffed up?  No, not at all.  It gave me 'pause' and inspired me to reflect on; 'we all are valuable and worthwhile!  We ALL make a difference. We may not make a difference to the entire world.....however>>>> "it made a difference for that one".  

This little Starfish Story says it best! 

"It made a difference to that one!"  May we never forget the impact of The Starfish Story!

My next post will be on 'The Rippling Effect'

Until next time
God Bless

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A 'Good Day', 'Ordinary Day', 'Another Day-So What?'

Greetings Friends,

'All is Well'
'Everything is going to be ok'
Are you having a good day, ordinary day or a day that you would describe as, 'Another Day, So What?'  Believe me, I have felt all of these over time.  I try to credit my feelings and thinking to the fact that I am 'human'.  Some days, I feel we need a boost to help us along our way.  This boost might be different for different people and in different ways.  Whether we are a person that lean on a belief that there is a power greater than ourselves or we are not, it might be good for us to take the time to 'be still' and go to a place that is serene and full of beauty.  Perhaps, this could be something that is as simply looking at a beautiful butterfly, going outdoors and listening to the birds and feel the sunshine that surround you or it might be calling a friend and just sharing about life and the many blessings that have been given. 

Giving 'thanks' can always bring one back to serve one better in going on to better thoughts and feelings that might be happening just now in our lives and living.  Take a look at our pets, they somehow can look beyond their cares and they are taken care of.  Enjoy their beauty and trust.

It seems to me that we are hearing, seeing and experiencing many things today that can certainly get in our way and cloud our attitude.  Sickness, economy, raising children, workplace stress, world affairs, aging to differences in opinions that we all have a right to have and own as individuals.  Nevertheless, all of these can effect our 'well being'. 

'A Good Day'
We have heard this statement: 'THIS TOO SHALL PASS'.  Biblical, actually, and I hold this close to my heart in life's struggles and challenges.  However, there has been something added to it by a 'human soul' and that is, ''and right now would be good'.   Oh yes, we always want to alter and control our situation and/or circumstances, don't we? 

Sometimes, we take life too seriously and worry about things that do not make a difference at the end of the day except they are things that we want and think that we need.  Well, I am one among all that have these same feelings and thoughts.  Some days are better than other days.  It mostly depends on what is going on in my life as to how other things effect me. 
Well, this is no surprise to the millions out there and this is what causes the turmoil in the cosmic world that really is very fragile.  All we have to do is turn on our television or any electronic device and we can see it only takes one person to blow holes in another with a gun that has gone mad and out of control.  So, what can each individual do to make more peaceful living in our life and others?  It could be to change our focus of our inner core and how we perceive ourselves in life and living in control.  Always and ever remembering 'who' is really in control.   God still reigns over the universe.  With faith, hope, love and perseverance, we can have peace in our hearts in the midst of our storms in life and living. 

As I was reading my daily reader this morning, it just happened to be this very reading.  If/when we believe in a power greater than ourselves it might be helpful to saturate our hearts with many things to help us along.  This just might be one of them.

This was written by Sarah Young - Jesus Calling- Readings for Every Day of the Year

I AM ALL AROUND YOU, like a cocoon of Light.  My Presence with you is a promise, independent of your awareness of Me.  Many things can block this awareness, but the major culprit is worry.  My children tend to accept worry as an inescapable fact of life.  However, worry is a form of unbelief; it is an abomination to Me.

Who is in charge of your life?  If it is you, then you have good reason to worry.  But if it is I, then worry is both unnecessary an counterproductive.  When you start to feel anxious about something, relinquish the situation to Me.  Back off a bit, redirecting your focus to Me.  I will either take care of the problem Myself or show you how to handle it.  In this world you will have problems, but you need not lose sight of Me. 



Until next time,
God Bless